He could outrun Nikolas any day, but not, clearly, if the fucker was in a car.

So Ben made his move.

No warning, an instant decision—act, then think. Going mad be fucked—he was more his old self in this sudden attack than he’d been since finding the love of his life had just walked out on him.

He had the element of surprise on his side, of course. He could almost hear Nik's internal howl of outrage at not being the one to initiate things as he flattened the rangy figure to the ground. The turf was soft, but Nikolas fell hard when Ben landed on him—launched from the rocks behind—knee into the small of his back and then, as the furious man twisted into the fall, a solid uppercut to his jaw.

For a moment, Nikolas appeared utterly stunned. Even the dogs seemed shocked by the swiftness and ferocity of the assault.

The sightseers, Ben heard with glee, backed out of the car park and hastened off down the road. He didn't blame them.

Suddenly, something hit him so hard on the elbow that his whole arm went numb then burned with pain. He grunted with shock and rolled off Nikolas, who then dropped the rock he'd used to gain such advantage and struggled to his feet. Not sprang, Ben noted with interest. Nikolas was hurting. Ben rose warily, sliding off his pack, wondering why Nikolas had dropped the rock. He didn't have time to ask, because he soon found out.

Nikolas had also slipped out of his bergen.

And Nikolas had a knife.

* * *

Chapter 55

Four Months Before April

Ben producedhisknife.

That got Nikolas’s attention.

He’d clearly not been expecting that.

They faced off.

Nikolas was shockingly fast. Despite the fall, Nikolas stabbed out with his blade so quickly that Ben's jacket was snagged and ripped before he could dodge. He slashed too, but the other backed off.

The dogs were frantic, circling and barking, but clearly unsure what to do for the best.

"You need to let me go, Ben. You know I cannot bear to be—"


"Restrained." Even as he said it, he went for Ben again. This time, Nikolas feinted right, and when Ben twisted away, the knife again tore his clothes. But Ben realised with a glimmer of hope that had Nikolas wanted to, he could have cut him.

Ben hissed and attacked, seizing Nikolas's arm, twisting it, trying to force him to drop the blade, but Nikolas hit him on his tingling elbow, sending new shockwaves of pain up his arm. They fell apart, both breathing deeply.

"You know I'll win this, Ben. I am willing to do things to you—" Ben stabbed. Nikolas jerked back, a disbelieving, shocked expression on his face as blood began to drip from his arm.

“You cut me!” Yeah. Things had changed. Benwaswilling to do things now that Nikolas, apparently, wasn’t.

The dogs had both sunk low, snarling and barking.

Nikolas clenched his jaw and launched himself across the space at Ben. They hit hard together, some part of Nikolas connecting with Ben's jaw and snapping it shut on his tongue, something of Ben's ending up in Nikolas's belly as a grunt of expelled air sounded close to Ben's ear.

They fell to the grass, rolling and struggling. Ben felt something sharp on his leg and cried out thinking it was the knife, but realising he'd fallen on a granite outcrop.

Nikolas dragged himself to one side and struggled to his feet, his arm now smeared with blood and mud.

Ben climbed very slowly to standing. He still couldn't use his arm properly. He limped to a better position away from the rocks and bent, hands on his thighs, to catch his breath.

Radulf rose from his belly-on-the-ground position and began to move slowly towards Nikolas. His hackles were high, and a furious rumbling was emerging from his throat. PB lifted up too.