Page 25 of Stone Sentinel

"You said I might share lunch with you. I merely took my share earlier, as I was too hungry to wait."

"Your share was not a dozen bloody pies, including the ones for next week! Admit it, Grant, you're a pie thief!"

"I have never stolen a pie in my life! You told me I could have them!"

Callie got out of the car and slammed the door. She stormed up the steps, then stopped before she reached Octavia. "That's Grant Steel. Do not trust him with pies, hot or cold, because he will inhale them like an industrial vacuum cleaner."

Grant...Steel? Harlow's brother? It couldn't be. He looked human, and he was walking in the daytime, in the sun, without turning to stone. The name was a coincidence, that was all. A descendant or distant relative...

"I can't be an industrial cleaner when I don't even know what the damn thing is!" Grant shouted as he followed Callie up the steps, then stopped when he spotted Octavia. He bowed low, like Harlow might. "My apologies, mistress. I did not see you there, or I would not have used such language. I am Grant Steel, husband to this enchanting harpy who would have me starve. Some wife you are, Calliope."

Octavia blinked. Callie had gotten married to a stranger? No way. And Callie didn't let anyone call her that.

"Callie?" she began uncertainly.

"Ignore this idiot. It was a fake engagement for my family's sake, just for the wedding."

"That's not what you said last night, wife."

Callie let huffed out an exasperated sigh. "We're not legally married under Australian law. Sure, we did what Viking traditions demanded, but we'd still have to make things official in a church or a registry office or something. And I'm not planning a wedding while there are still restrictions for this stupid virus. Look at how much trouble Kara had, planning hers. So keep a lid on that wife stuff."

"If we are not legally married, as you say, then you cannot object to me courting your pretty friend here, who might make a far more obedient wife." Grant held out his hand for Octavia's. "Pray, sweet lady, tell me your name, so that I may know how to address such an angel."

Octavia wasn't sure whether to be intrigued or horrified. He was such a terrible flirt. But she couldn't help herself. She gave him her hand, expecting a shake, but he kissed it instead.

"Mm, softer than silk. Perfection indeed. And your name, sweet seraph?"

"This is my cousin Octavia Bell. She was there the night I summoned you, and, just like me, if you piss her off, she can unsummon you just as easily as I can. But not before I kick your arse." Callie slammed the screen door open and strode inside.

Grant bowed again. "Forgive her for her coarseness, sweet Octavia. Tell me, are you as sacrosanct as your namesake? Or are you as free with your affections as my mercurial wife?"

"Take your hands off her, Grant," came a growl from the shadows. To Octavia's surprise, Harlow emerged from the wall, in the corner where the sun did not penetrate. Unlike Grant, Harlow had wings, horns and some wicked looking claws. Her faithful, dependable stone shadow.

Grant backed up, releasing Octavia's hand as he eyed Harlow with consternation. "Brother."

Octavia blinked. "This is your sleazy brother, and he's married to Callie?"

"He must have traded his hand in marriage for the secret to breaking the curse, for he stands in sunlight, free to move, while I must remain in the shadows. How did she do it, brother? For if she can break the spell on you, she might save us all."

Grant shrugged. "I have no idea. This morning I was a gargoyle, just like you, and I hid under a blanket in the back of Callie's car. Then she stopped for a little while, and returned with something that smelled so good, I simply couldn't help myself. I'd never been so hungry in all my life. I asked her if I might have a bite, and one was not enough. Before I knew it, I had finished all of her pies, and she had to return to the bakery for more. While I was making my way through this second batch, the blanket slid off me and exposed me to sunlight, but I barely noticed, so intent was I on my meal. It wasn't until I'd run out of pies that I realised, and Callie insisted I take the seat beside her so she might keep an eye on me." He snorted. "If I had known she would turn into such a harpy after we married, I might not have made those vows..." He sighed. "But now she is wedded and bedded, I am honour bound to make it official in the laws of this time. Alas that I did not meet the exquisite Octavia first..."

"Octavia is mine to protect, not yours," Harlow growled.

"Ladies of this time are mistresses of their own fate far more than they were in ours, brother. I'm sure Lady Octavia can make up her own mind. Would you prefer my silver tongue and smooth manners, or my brother with his coarse, untutored farmer's ways at your side?" Grant asked.

"I'll take Harlow's tongue over yours, any day or night," Octavia said, shifting into the shadows to stand with Harlow. She did not like this man. That Callie could even consider marrying him, archaic rituals aside, made no sense at all.

Grant's eyes widened. "My brother has finally made a conquest? It is a miracle! You must allow me to tutor him in how to please a lady, mistress, before you join him in your marriage bed. Perhaps I could offer you some instruction, too..." He winked.

Octavia's blood boiled. "He pleases me just fine, you dick. Actually, I think you're the one who needs some tutoring and instruction. If you're betrothed or married or whatever to Callie, and you have any sense of self preservation, you keep it in your pants. Because if she catches you cheating on her...cursing your dick off will be just the start."

Grant took a larger step backward. "Forgive me, Lady Octavia. We are to be family, and I meant it with the utmost respect for my soon to be sister."

Harlow made a disbelieving sound in his throat.

Then Callie called from inside, "Grant? Where is that heart? I need to get it in the freezer before it goes bad. It was in the sun long enough as it was, out there on that rock. If we don't keep it fresh, the spell might not work!"

"Coming, coming." Grant grabbed a small cooler box and hurried inside with it.