Page 76 of Inked Beauty

Gavin didn’t want to leave Lauren, but the ancient god was right. His first act as the new Master of Vegas shouldn’t be to run away and stay gone. Plus, no one would hurt her with Mordecai watching over her.

* * * *

Lauren grabbed Gavin when he kissed her cheek, yanked him closer, and kissed him on the lips.

“I just announced I’m yours, but we both know that goes both ways. You’re mine. Take care of what’s mine.”

Gavin grinned, kissed her forehead, and left without saying anything.

“Somehow, your mother passed her red-headed fire down to you,” Mordecai noted. “I’ve assured her I have eyeballs on you, and that you’re safe. Let’s gather the civet and get out of here, shall we?”

Lauren stood a little straighter and met Mordecai’s gaze. “You can flash the civet to the bus, to her boyfriend. I need to stand by Gavin’s side.” Mordecai started to argue with her, but she spoke before he had the chance, “I’ll be more aware this time. I was careless, before. Plus, I figure Gavin will have already killed whoever nearly took me out.”

Mordecai tilted his head in a way that told Lauren she was right.

“He’s master of Vegas now,” Mordecai told her, “which makes him Master of Nevada. Traditionally, the master of the state resides in Vegas and is known by the city title, rather than the state one.”

He’d as much as told her they would have to move here. She recalled something about how vampires could only be master of multiple territories that touched each other, which meant his Secundo in Branson was now Master of Branson.

Gavin’s concerns had gone the same direction Lauren’s now did. Nick’s Pride was in Branson for a reason — he didn’t want to run a large, traditional Pride.

“I don’t know how we’ll get Nick moved here, but there’s no doubt I’ll be here by Gavin’s side. If I have to live part of my time in both cities for a while, then that’s what I’ll do. I should start out with Gavin, though.”

Mordecai nodded, “Then let’s get you in there. Take three deep breaths to build your reserves. Being taken to mist and back took a lot out of you.”

Chapter 40

Nick’s blood bond should’ve transferred to the new Master of Branson, but he still felt connected to Gavin. Was that because it was part of a relationship bond now? They hadn’t made formal vows to create one, but blood had been inadvertently exchanged during sex, as was wont to happen when playing sex games with a vampire in the bed, andsomethinghad formed.

This was going to complicate things. By rights, the Vegas Rex could demand a challenge fight, since Nick was bound to the new Master of Vegas and there could be only one Rex.

Thankfully, the local Pride leader wasn’t present on the property, as far as Nick knew. It wasn’t likely to come up in the next half hour, but he had no doubt itwouldcome up.

He followed the group out of the workout room, through the hall, and down a flight of steps to a huge living room area designed for entertaining and parties.

Gavin stood with his back to the stone wall of the hearth, and vampires lined up to kneel before him and give them their oaths.

Nick held his breath when a vampire oozing power stepped to Gavin, quickly handled the blood exchange, and then gracefully went to his knees and recited what Nick assumed was the standard oath, but he said it in another language.

This appeared to be an emotional moment for Gavin. When the vampire finished, Gavin lifted the man to his feet and hugged him as if they were long-lost brothers. After a long, poignant moment, Gavin said, “Old friend, I am honored to have you as my Secundo. I would like to introduce Lauren, the love of my life, and Nick, the third member of our poly group. As I am overly fond of both, you are to protect them above me, should we come under attack. I can take care of myself.”

The vampire bowed to Nick. “I am known as Dax in this day. I look forward to getting to know you.”

Nick allowed himself to be hugged by the strange vampire, and he felt a warmth from the man he didn’t expect.

Dax stepped to Lauren and went to his knees before her. “Gavin claims you as the love of his life, when most of us felt he wasn’t capable of knowing the joys of this kind of love. The woman who has brought a smile to my old friend’s face has my undying loyalty. I oath myself to you, as I earlier oathed myself to our Master, fair lady.”

Lauren took his hand in hers, leaned forward to kiss it, and somehow knew the right thing to say. “I accept your oath, faithful warrior.”

More vampires oathed themselves to Gavin, and other vampires and shapeshifters arrived and formed a line to perform their oath.

Lauren hadn’t been in the room when Gavin had killed three vampires with nothing but his willpower, blood streaming from their eyes and ears until they were mere husks on the floor, and then dust. Gavin had muted their screams, likely so Lauren wouldn’t hear, but there was no doubt in Nick’s mind this was a terribly painful way to die.

When he’d finished, he’d looked up and said, “Oath to me or die. Decide. I gave them a quick death because they did not know, but anyone who attempts to harm Lauren or Nick from this point forward will be tortured for twelve-squared years before I allow the release of the final death.”

A man Nick was certain was the local Alpha wolf arrived and broke into line so he could face Gavin. They stared at each other a good minute and a half before the wolf went to his knees, exchanged blood with the vampire, and gave him his oath of fealty, loyalty, and defense.

Nick didn’t breathe easy until his King stepped into the room and leaned against the wall. Nathan would know what to do if the local Rex showed up.