Page 62 of Inked Beauty

Nick walked to the window and noted the sky was barely lightening. An hour until sunrise? He wasn’t sure, and didn’t look at his phone to see the time. “I don’t trust many people absolutely. I trust him to keep Lauren safe, but politically? Everyone at that level has multiple agendas. Ellania is likely here to keep Lauren safe, as he said, but the odds are she’ll report back to him with any information she finds of value. Whether that will help or hurt you in the future? Who’s to say.”

“If I wanted to elevate you in my organization, give you some responsibilities and the pay to go with it, would you agree?”

“I will discuss any such proposals with my king, certainly. Money can complicate things. Lauren and I both work for you. Our livelihoods depend on you. How will that affect whatever relationship we end up with? And if I work for you in a capacity other than physical therapist to your entertainers, will it make things more complicated, or less complicated?”

“A little of both, probably. It will show my trust for you, but it’ll also mean the two of us will need to work harder on communication.”

The vampire was trying to be honest, or at least giving the appearance of doing so. Before Nick could figure out the best response, Gavin tilted his head and said, “Speaking of communication, when I’ve headed towards exploring things of an anal nature with our Lauren, I’ve been rebuffed.”

Nick walked back to the window and looked out again. He’d never talked about Lauren’s personal shit with anyone, but Gavin needed to know. If Gavin asked Lauren, she’d almost certainly tell him, so Nick decided he could share a little. “I understand she and her original bear, Wyatt, made some explorations. She was determined her sensory issues weren’t going to keep her from doing what others enjoy, but she hated it, and her bear stopped before they made it to the goal, whatever that was. She talked to me about it some, enough to know it didn’t work and she was frustrated by it, but I don’t know the details.” He turned and met Gavin’s gaze. “We need a game plan if we’re looking at the three of us in bed together, but I’m not sure that’s where we should be looking.”

“I can probably help her learn to enjoy it, but my first aim is to help her enjoy more tactile input at a time.”

Nick had intended to make Lauren safeword several times in recent days, and she had not. He’d worked her mouth, nipples, and pussy at the same time, and — for the first time ever — she’d flown high with it, rather than becoming overwhelmed. He hadn’t had a chance to talk to her about it yet, though, so he only told Gavin, “She’s comesofar, since her first time.”

Gavin stared at him. Crossed his arms. “You were her first.”

Nick had assumed Gavin knew, and it’s possible he did, since he said it as a statement, rather than asking it as a question. It seemed safest to confirm the question without adding any details.

“I was.”

“I had the impression the two of you were merely friends with benefits over the years. I wasn’t aware there had been more at one point.”

“It’s complicated. Look, if you want to start working her towards anal, maybe we start with a small plug. She responds well to rules when dominated, so if we tell her no orgasms unless something’s in her ass, it’ll both piss her off and turn her on. We’ll both have to stick to it, though. Even when apart.”

“Or we can make the rule only apply when she’s with both of us, if you don’t trust me to stick to it.”

“No, if you say you will, I’ll believe you.”

“And I’ll believe you as well, if you say you will.”

Nick waited for Gavin to say more, and when he didn’t, noted, “Neither of us has said we will.”

No response.

“I’ll agree to it if you will as well,” Nick finally said.

“I accept your terms, and I agree to it.”

“Finger, plug, or dick?”

“Any of the three,” Gavin agreed. “I need to prepare for the sun to take me. See to your people. If you need anything, Queenie will be available.”

Nick’s people had been assigned a large suite with extra beds brought in, so the sleeping area was tight, but they had plenty of room in their private living room. They were also welcome to use the main common areas, but they were all in bed when he entered their suite. He called them into their living room and told them, “Lauren is here, and she’s fine. We’ve recovered all but a few of those taken.”

“Who took them?” Morgan asked.

“Some names are being tossed around, but that isn’t the important point for this conversation. They have someone who can teleport people from a distance, which means if you leave this property, you can be teleported away.” They hadn’t wanted apex predators for their first foray, but there were no guarantees that would continue, and Nick wanted to make sure his people were safe.

“So we’re stuck here? For how long?”

“I don’t think we’re looking at weeks. The hope is a few days. Longer than that, and we’ll have to find a Plan B.”

“Is there a problem with us having sex with the flock?” Arnold asked.

“There shouldn’t be. The flock members will know what their individual contracts say, and if someone tells you they’re free to have sex with you and it comes off as the truth, there’s no reason to believe otherwise. The important thing is to make absolutely certain everything is consensual. No doubts in your mind. The vampire will know exactly what you were thinking, if there are any questions later.”

“If you can work it out so I can feed Master Gavin while I’m here,” Ashley told him, “it’ll save me a trip up the mountain later. I’m due in another two weeks. Not sure what’s involved in moving the schedule around.”