Page 51 of Inked Beauty

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One moment, Lauren was wishing she and Nick were anywhere but her bedroom, so she could make an excuse and go somewhere else, and the next, he was on the bed, his body over hers. His lips met hers. Controlling. Demanding. Lauren kissed him back with everything she had. The heat of his hand covered her breast, and a moan escaped her throat.

And then a half-second of splintering pain in her nipple, there and gone before she could react, but it was enough to jump start her heart and her libido. Blood pulsed to her nipples, her clit. Heat pooled between her legs.

Everywhere his skin touched hers, the contact shimmered with untamed power. Her blood pounded in her ears, their body heat pulsing between them. His lips tangled with hers in a storm of magic, and dark heat ignited in her nether regions.

Lauren found herself on her back on the bed, tendrils of lust and pleasure spreading through her. She opened her eyes and saw the golden pupils of Nick’s lion, watching her with an unwavering focus, beautiful and dangerous, the stealthy hunter with his prey in sight.

An electric jolt flashed through her, and her hips moved of their own accord.

And Nick’s clever, clever fingers performed their magic, skating over her skin, removing her clothes, and then finding the very core of her, deep inside, until Lauren’s senses were a jumble of lust and need.

The heat of his mouth landed on a nipple, and her lion sucked hard while his fingers moved relentlessly, bringing her over and over again, so she didn’t know if it was one long orgasm that came in waves, or dozens coming one after the other.

Nick.Her Nick. He’d always been able to make her body sing, but today, he played her as if she was the entire orchestra, rather than a single violin. Her spine arched, her breasts bared to him, and she never once considered pushing him away or slowing him down. Lust came from all directions.

He moved from her breasts to her lips, his mouth on hers, the kiss on the edge of violence, the air between them hot, her need a tangible thing.

His lips moved back to her breasts, heat on her nipple. Suction almost to the point of pain, and his fingers inside her stretching her open, invading,owningher.

“More. Want you.More.” She’d meant it as a demand, but it came out as a plea.

He licked the nipple he’d been abusing. “I want to devour you.”

His voice was rough, the lion not far from the surface, and she welcomed him. Lauren was in bed with both parts of her Nick, and it was suddenly important she show all of him how much she trusted them, wanted them, needed them.

Usually, when the lion was present, Lauren found herself flipped over, being taken from behind, but today, Nick pulled away long enough to divest himself of his clothes, and then he was between her legs, his cock at her entrance, his gaze crashing into hers, his upper body braced on his arms above her, challenging her to watch.

She couldn’t help her gasp when he sank into her, spreading her open, owning her, body and soul. Her body arched up to meet his, and he moved, cautiously at first to make certain she was good, and then the dance became a scramble of limbs and movement, fast and messy, primal and raw, and Lauren met him stroke for stroke, matching his intensity and his speed.

And then he was over her again, holding himself up, so only one part of their body came together. Lauren grabbed his wrists for the extra contact, and finally closed her eyes and let the sensations wash over her — Nick’s cock inside her, sliding, pounding. Faster, and then faster still. She couldn’t keep up, and he lost his rhythm, hammering her, lost in his own sensations, and she came so hard the stars above her exploded into supernovas, and she felt him pulse inside her again and again and again, and again.

When he finally collapsed, he angled so he landed just beside her, and she wrapped her arms around him, his back slick, sweat pooling between them.

“Not finished with you,” he said, his eyes closed and barely out of breath. “Just want to soak in your energy while I give you a few minutes to catch your breath.”

Lauren’s heart raced in her chest, a runaway engine trapped by a rib cage, beating to get out. She gasped for oxygen and shook her head. She was done. Finished. She couldn’t possibly handle another iota of pleasure without spontaneously combusting.

Her eyes opened and she took in the beauty of her lion in human form. Eyes of blue now, clear and crystal. His hair even more mussed than normal, a mane of hair around his face, rather than fur. Skin glowing with vitality and magic, blond stubble on his face, and lips curled into a smile.

“How about a lazy bath in the giant bathtub instead?” she asked.

Nick shifted his weight, and he was looking down at her again, braced on a single forearm, the other arm over her, and he kissed her again. Soft and slow, commanding and proprietary, a private exploration, and Lauren drank in the contact, the leisurely, deliberate, intimate dance between two lovers, and when he entered her this time, it was with affection and love, purposeful. Lauren clamped around him like a vice while he slid in and out. In and out. She moved with him, the act slow and focused, sunlight through a magnifying glass, burning and boiling. Scorching.

She sped, her hips wanting more, andmore. Her lion finally gave her what she wanted and needed — the speed and friction, creating physical heat where there had only been the heat of their lust before, the magic between them, and an orgasm hit her all at once, an erotic punch, her muscles spasming around his cock, the pleasure and bliss radiating out, growing with each release until she came so hard the world went black.

Chapter 26

Gavin was in trouble. Hurt. Hurting.

Not only had the mansion been empty when Gavin and Apollonius arrived, but there’d been booby traps left specifically for the kind of entry Apollonius could provide.

Apollonius got them out as the explosion was happening. Another eighth of a second, and the blast wave would’ve damaged more than even Gavin could heal.

He was conscious, but barely, and he needed blood and energy soon, or the least of his vampires would die.

An arm appeared in front of his lips, and he bit and drank without asking questions.