Page 73 of Inked Beauty

“With exceptions when one of them is in the service of a Slayer.”

“Those are your rules, not ours.”

Ryan sighed. “I’m aware. I wish I could assure you Huxley won’t be on the premises, but it’s possible we won’t know for certain until we arrive. As of now, we do not know where the Master of Vegas is located. If you do not wish to go, I would ask for six of your people to assist.”

“The civet works for me and is bound to a wolf who lives in my territory, and who also works for me. She’s one of mine. I’m going.”

In a battle between Master Vampires, it often came down to how powerful their coteries were, and Huxley had a whole host of vampires more powerful than Gavin had access to within his limited coterie. Huxley could draw on an entire state, after all.

Gavin was able to wield more power when Abbott had been Master of most of the Southeastern U.S., because he’d been able to draw on his Master’s significant power.

However, Gavin was older than Huxley, and had more tricks up his sleeves. It wasn’t a given he’d lose against the Master of Vegas, though the odds in his favor weren’t great.

The room’s television showed images of the mansion from all sides. Gavin studied it a moment, and when he was about to comment, the view changed to show the blueprints of five stories — three up and two down.

Gavin pointed to a dungeon area on the lowest floor. “Let’s hope they aren’t holding her here. By design, it’s the hardest to get to, and the most difficult to get away from.”

“If we can get to her, Kirsten will flash her out,” Ryan said. “The rest of us only need to get ourselves out.”

“That simplifies things. Any chance she’s being held above ground in the flock’s quarters?”

“A new slave? Doubtful, but if they’ve successfully mindfucked her, maybe.”

“I assume Nathan is having one of his satellites tell us where all the warm bodies are?”

“The aboveground warm bodies, yes. Huxley is making use of space age materials that block the satellites from seeing the underground floors.”

Gavin used those as well. “Good to know they work, but a pain in the ass when we want to take a peek.” He turned and met the Slayer’s gaze. “Rumor has it you can look at a house and tell where bad things are happening.”

Ryan tilted his head, but clearly didn’t intend to either confirm or deny. Instead, he changed the subject. “Kirsten would prefer her daughter didn’t go. Since she is, I’ve been asked to send your team to the flock’s area, on the off chance that’s where the target civet is being housed.”

“You are friends with The Harlequin,” Gavin noted.

“I’m sending her team to the dungeon area because Kirsten can flash the civet to her werewolf boyfriend, not because she’s asked me to keep her daughter out of harm’s way.”

Gavin smiled. “Of course you are.” He placed his finger over the blueprints from a few inches away. “If my team comes in from the back, I’m thinking we fly and levitate our people up to this balcony, and we enter through this wall of what appears to be windows.”

“Lauren has that much control over her levitation?”

“She can levitate herself, Nick, and Queenie. I can fly the other two people we’ll have with us. The rest of my security staff will be split amongst the other teams, yes?”

Ryan stepped between Gavin and the television, so they were face to face and only two feet away from each other. “Our histories tell of an ability you are believed to have. Will you confirm?”

“You seem to already know I can fly.”

“Anything else I need to know about?”

“Not to my knowledge. If you have a question, ask it.”

Ryan stepped to the side. “You’ve done so, whether you realize it or not. Just remember that if Lauren dies on your watch, it’s unlikely her mother will allow you to live.”

Chapter 38

All Lauren could think of, on her belly, two football fields away from the mansion they were focused on, was why she’d been so insistent she be allowed to go. She’d have been beneficial as support staff. What the fuck had made her think she was warrior enough to be included on the op?

She excelled at self-defense, but she was going to have to be theaggressortoday.

The heat of a small, female hand rested on her forearm, and Queenie telepathed,Breathe.Focus on the op. For this part of it, waiting for the action, I rely on my meditation practice. Any thoughts that enter besides being present in the moment, you brush them to the side. Be aware of where everyone is around you, be on the alert for any threats. Watch windows. Look into the darker shadows all around the building. Remind yourself where the motion detector cameras and lights are.