Page 29 of Inked Beauty

“Were they coming after you, specifically, or after Branson?”

It was a good question, and he was impressed with the martial aspects of her mind. “I’m a new Master without a solid base. If I were looking to take over a territory by force, I’d probably choose me over the more established Masters as well.”

“Will they try again?”

“He will not have an opportunity to do so.”

“How can I help?”

Gavin couldn’t help his smile. On the surface, a human offering help was humorous, but Lauren had reason to make the offer and mean it — it was one of the many things that had made him somehow fall in love with her, when love wasn’t supposed to be available to him. Also, he was going to have to stop thinking of her as human. She both was and was not.

He also noted she wasn’t surprised or upset that Gavin clearly intended to kill Medved. His Lauren was ultimately practical — yet another reason he adored her.

“You can most help by staying alive and uninjured. If I come up with another way you can be helpful, I will let you know.”

“I’m still mad at you for not getting out of my head.”

“I know, and I’m sorry you’re mad, but I can’t apologize for doing it. I needed to multitask, and the easiest way for me to keep up with what’s going on around me during chaotic times is to tie into people’s minds, so I know what’s happening all around me. It’s a steady input of information, and it wouldn’t be possible to manage that volume of raw data if people were reporting in verbally.”

He scented sorrow and fear, and Lauren turned away from him, so he couldn’t see her face. “I guess I thought you’d have to hurt me to get into my head. I thought my shields were stronger.”

Gavin didn’t have time to consider what he’d seen in Lauren’s head. He hadn’t gone searching for information because he hadn’t had time, and yet, he’d seen the depth of Lauren’s feelings for him, and he understood he’d been wrong about something important. He’d assumed she didn’t understand him and that was why she could like him, when in reality, she saw him for who he truly is and cared for him anyway.

He was emotionally closed off, incapable of empathy, he often delighted in inflicting pain on others, and yet, she also saw that he understood what he’d lost. He didn’t have the emotions to care that he’d lost the ability to understand others and relate to them, but he understood that he was different, and that others were sad for him because he couldn’t.

Kendra once told him he only cared about the people who were part of his safety net, and he hadn’t been able to argue the point. He cared for Zander, Kendra, and even Queenie, to an extent, who skillfully provided a long list of services he no longer had to outsource to others. He’d like to be able to argue he’d miss his wolf when her indentured servitude came to an end, but the truth was, he’d miss what she did for him.

But when Lauren was away from him he felt it in his heart. He missedher.

Vampires respect power. Lauren wouldn’t have to be powerful for his people to protect and defend her, possibly even come to adore her, but they wouldn’t respect her if she left while they fought and then returned after. As badly as he wanted to send her away to keep her safe, the logical vampire within had to weigh the possible consequences of all possible choices.

And so, while he had a few moments of respite, he pulled her into a soundproof room to tell her, “Let me talk for a few minutes before you argue, because I’m going to give you a few options, so don’t think the first option is what I’ll expect of you.”

She gave a tiny nod, and he figured that was as good as he was going to get for an agreement.

“You’d be safest at Homewood, and if I was dictating things, I’d be on the phone to your mother asking her to pop you back there.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I love you, and it will kill me to lose you, but it’s more than that. I’m worried for you, and some of my decisions may be more about keeping you safe than the best option strategically.”

She crossed her arms but didn’t say anything.

“On the other hand, if you’re to be in my life, then we have to figure out how to fight side-by-side eventually, so it may as well be now. You’re a fierce warrior and you’re used to sparring with supernaturals, but you aren’t used to fighting in life-or-death battles where the loser dies, or worse, is enslaved.”

She bit her lip, and he had a feeling that was what it took for her to hold onto her silence. This would be so much easier if he was still in her head.

“I’m not in your head anymore, so I have no idea what you’re thinking, and that kills me, but I’m dealing with it.” He pulled more air in, to make sure he had enough to say the rest without another pause. “If you’re to stay, then I’d like to pair you up with Ambrose and Ellania, and send you into the daylight to patrol the inner perimeter. I need someone I trust to watch a sensitive sector. It’s a good use of manpower, and if all else fails, Ambrose can get you out of the situation if you get into trouble.”

“We’ll talk later about how easily you got into my head, but the short version is that if you don’t teach me how to spot you when you’re in there, and begin the process of showing me how to keep you out, then we’re finished. So, before I go outside to defend your home, I need to know you can do those things.”

He nodded. “I can and will.”

“Okay. I haven’t given you my fealty and you aren’t my Master, but while we’re under attack I will see you as something of a general, and I will do my best to follow orders. When this is over, though, we’regoingto have a talk.”

Gavin nodded, telepathed Ambrose to let him know he could come get Lauren, and the demigod popped into the jail cell in the corner of the room. Gavin stepped to it, let him out, and expected the two of them to leave the room together, but Lauren walked to Gavin, levitated up, gave him a quick peck on the lips, landed gracefully back on her feet, and told him, “Don’t get hurt. Don’t get dead. I won’t use telepathy unless it’s important because I won’t know what’s going on with you, but feel free to use it to check in with me if you have a few minutes. I’ll appreciate updates.”

“In the interest of full disclosure, Ambrose has agreed to give me a window so I can quickly see what he sees and hear what he hears. I won’t be actively watching and listening, but if something happens, I’ll know.”

She nodded, turned, and walked out the door. Ambrose looked to Gavin, who motioned for the demi-god to follow her. “Keep her safe.”

Chapter 14