Page 24 of Inked Beauty

Queenie took a half-second to consider the best way, and told her, “The one to the right. The control room will open doors for us as we approach. I’m in telepathic contact. We’re radio silent.”

She and Queenie made their way down four floors without having to speak to each other. They’d both been trained in how to clear a stairway, and they worked together seamlessly. The door at the bottom opened as they neared it, they went around two corners, and then found themselves facing six men, blocking their way so they couldn’t get to Gavin’s room.

Queenie had been a step ahead of Lauren, and she moved to the side and back, so the two women were even with each other and could both shoot. Lauren took two of them down before a large man who smelled of eagle was on her, and her weapon was ripped from her hand.

She went for the knife she kept at her waistband and managed to cut the guy holding her enough he let go and was bleeding out when hechanged, but she’d used a silver knife, so he kept bleeding because she’d hit a major artery with silver, and the huge bird clearly couldn’t handle the damage. It turned back to human, still bleeding, and Lauren dove for her gun, but there were two bad guys still standing, and Queenie was a wolf in the corner without a leg.

Queeniechangedback to human without an arm, back to wolf, and Lauren focused on the men. They were twenty yards away — far enough she might not hit a killing shot with her pistol, and she needed to make every shot count. She wished she’d grabbed her rifle, but she’d work with what she had.

Queenie had killed one of the men, and the man Lauren had cut was slowly bleeding out.

“What do ya’ll want?” Lauren asked the two remaining men.

“What are you?” one of the men asked.

“She isn’t human,” the other said. “That’s for sure.”

“Smells human, but no, she moves too fast.”

“Why are you here? What do you want?” Lauren asked again.

The men stood absolutely still, and yet, Lauren could see them breathe, could see the muscles around their mouths, nose, and eyes.

Their eyes.

She knew a second before they intended to attack, and she waited for them to push into motion before she fired. She had three shots left, and she emptied them all into the asshole in front before she pulled a throwing knife and buried it into the chest of the other. She dropped the mag while grabbing another from her belly band, slammed it home, racked the slide, and aimed at the large eagle sitting in the middle of the hallway, one wing lopsided, still bleeding out.

“Queenie, you coming around or do you need help?”

The wolfchangedback to human, and Queenie leaned against the wall, completely naked, but with both arms. “I lost track of how manychangesI went through. I’m going to be okay, but not until I get some food.”

“How much food is on an eagle?”

“It’d be a start, but only if you’re using lead bullets.”

Right, because it would be bad if she accidentally ate silver. Or if the silver was in his bloodstream, which it probably was, since Lauren had cut him with silver.

“I stuck him with a silver knife. Gavin keeps emergency human food in his suite, right?”

“Protein shake power, candy, and beef jerky, but I won’t unlock his outer door until he rises.”

“We’re going to have to open it to make sure the bad guys aren’t already in there, searching for his hidey-hole.”

“I want to say the control room would know if they were, but the control room didn’t know they’d made it to his floor.”

“There were seven shifters? Because we know where six are.”

“Seven that we know of. There could be more.”

“Do I shoot the eagle, or do we try to get him into human form so we can get information out of him?”

Queenie crawled to her clothes, retrieved a gun, and leaned back against the wall again. She pointed the gun towards the eagle and said, “Count of five, if you aren’tchangingto human, I shoot you.”

“I could’ve shot him,” Lauren said.

“Five. Four. Three.”

The eagle beganchangingback to human, and Queenie stopped her count.