Page 58 of The Vampyre

“William!” I screamed in some feeble attempt to beckon him. I kicked Noel in the stomach, but she laughed, wholly unaffected by the move.

“You know not of the love I have for him. I have loved him for hundreds of years! Unwavering, unconditional love, and what does he do to me? He leaves me to pine for him! Hehurtsme! I will not tolerate his transgressions, no,” she rambled with desperation in her eyes. I couldn’t process everything, couldn’t move beyond that fact that she was going to kill me over something so trivial.

“Did you know that vampyres are stronger than humans? We have a great sense of hearing, too. Your baby's heart is fluttering at this moment in response to your stress; might want to calm down, Rose. Don't want a stillbirth, do we?” she laughed off kilter, standing a few feet away then, contemplating something.

Taking small sips of breath, I tried to slow my rapidly beating heart but there was no way, adrenaline was rough and fast, all-consuming. She finally seemed to make up her mind, her shoulder rising and falling as she nodded to herself. Just a moment later there was a loud crack, quickly followed by a yowl, a sound so distraught I didn’t realize it was me.

“WHY?” I shrieked, curling over into my splinter filled sheets. She’d snapped my leg, it was bent, shards of bone protruding from the flesh as the blood began to pour forth, crimson soaking the white sheets.

“You do not understand that Williamcannot bewith you! You arenothing, a miserable mortal, weak! He deserves someone worth something.” Noel lifted me from the bed by my neck, cutting off my airflow. I struggled clawing at her hand, the skin impenetrable. My leg sent searing signals of agony up into my spine and I choked on the cries.

Noel threw me against the wall, my body slumping onto the bed, pain ricocheting throughout. I buried my screams into tattered pillows, attempting to drag myself away.

“You thinkyouare worth something? That he wants to be with YOU?” I screeched through the anguish. Noel grabbed my arm fiercely and tossed me off the bed as if I were but a doll. I fell into the shattered door, my head smacked into something sharp and for a moment all was black.

My brain throbbed against my skull, signaling I was going to die. When I finally came to, my vision fuzzy and barely able to come into focus, I saw her standing above me, her sinister smile. She was singing to herself as she waited for me to wake. There was a river of red flowing down my neck and my chest, panic ratcheted higher. Gingerly, I touched the back of my head to feel for the gash, wet and sticky. I set my head back down with care, waiting for death.

I hoped William knew how much I loved him, how I only ever wanted to grow old with him. I hoped he knew that I forgave him, for everything.

“I wish I would have been more careful not to spill your blood, but here we are... Oh, Rosemary, may I have a taste?”

“No,” it was a weak refusal. Noel wrapped her hands around my arm, the temperature almost exactly the same as mine. She bared her teeth, sinking them into the flesh as if it were nothing at all.

I wailed, razor-sharp fangs slicing, the tingling of blood flowing out of me was entirely wrong. Noel moaned with pleasure, sucking harder. My eyes fluttered, all sense of pain easing.

She managed to detach herself.

“You are lovely!” Noel praised, patting my thigh; I cringed, the movement was excruciating. “But, I am afraid, even as old as I am, I cannot control myself much longer. Your heart, along with the child's, must stop beating.” I tried to pull myself up, the pain radiating throughout my body once more. Noel helped me to my feet, pressing me against the wall for support.

“Don't, please,” I begged, trying to hold myself up. Noel tsked, tearing my nightgown in half and exposing my bloodied, beaten body to the warm air.

“No! Please! Don't! Kill me but leave the baby safe!” I sputtered, she threw me on the bed again, air completely knocked from my lungs as my chest collapsed in on itself. The impact had me writhing, injuries spasming. With one hand, Noel held my chest down; though, it wasn’t necessary as I was already too weak to fight.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a figure appear in the doorway, gripping the frame. Noel and I both turned to look at him simultaneously. I choked on my sobs.

“Adam,” I said. He looked at me, his face stricken with disbelief, eyes crazed. Was he a ghost? Was he here to take me to heaven with him?

“This wasn’t part of the plan, Noel!” he shouted, coming to my side, brushing the matted hair from my face. I bawled, he was real. He was real.

Noel scoffed, shoving him away.

“You’re here,” I cried. Betrayal, hot and heavy in my chest, bubbled up as I watched the two of them bicker.

“I do not care if this was part of the plan or not! She has to die, she has to die!” Noel used her teeth to tear through the skin of my bulging stomach. With every slice, I was sunk deeper into a protective stupor, my body arching and writhing under her of its own freewill.

“Adam, please! Help me!” I screamed. He only watched, he only covered his mouth with his shaking hand, clinging to the doorframe.

“PLEASE HELP ME!” I sobbed, desperate to be saved. How could he? How could he be working with her? How could he watch her do this to me?

My brother, my brother, my brother.

He couldn’t even look me in the eyes.

Each cut of Noel’s fangs was like being burned with a hot knife, deeper and deeper through my flesh until she finally cut through to my womb, pulling from inside me a small, bloodied baby.

There was no sound, no screaming, no crying from it.

Rapidly, I lost my grip on reality.