Page 49 of The Vampyre

As the train came to a standstill at the platform, William took my hand, directing me from our car. There stood a tall gentleman to the side with skin the color of rich umber. His face was well-aged, shadowed with silver hairs. He wore a navy suit and a tall navy hat, but none of these things outdid the stunning smile on his face. He practically ran to embrace William.

“You dog!” the man laughed, his accent deep southern. He held William at arm’s length. “You look more stressed than before, how is it possible?”

“Horris, may I introduce you to my wife, Rosemary.” William stepped to the side for Horris to take me in as I gave him a curtsy. He gently took my hand and kissed the top of it, his skin as cool as William’s despite the sticky heat.

“Mrs. Blackwell, how delightful it is tofinallymeet you. William has told me a great deal of your charm and beauty. I am Horris Washington, pleased to make your acquaintance.” His voice was smooth as honey, husky with the draw of the south. I already loved him.

“It is lovely to make your acquaintance, Mr. Washington.”

“Please, my dear, call me Horris.” He still held my hand in his.

“Horris,” I corrected, unable to fight my returning smile. He seemed so kind and full of energy and life.

“Don’t go about stealing my wife now, Horris,” William laughed, pulling my hand away and into his own.

“Come now, brother, you and I both know you stand no chance. I always have been better with women.”

William choked on his laughter, giving Horris a gentle shove. Seeing him like this swelled my heart, so relaxed and playful, so similar to when it was the two of us in secret.

The two of them gathered our luggage, suspiciously there was nary a struggle with their weight. When Horris’s coach had been loaded, we climbed in and set off toward his home, where we would be staying. There was brief talk of sleeping arrangements and need for a stiff drink before Horris went into a long explanation of the fine brandy he’d recently gotten ahold of.

“Have you two known each other long?” I asked when they’d settled into a comfortable silence. Horris raised his eyebrows at William, who cleared his throat.

“Quite a while,” William said, giving my hand a squeeze. Horris let a low whistle.

“How longhasit been now? Since 17–”

“Yes, yes, seventeen,” William interjected. My interest was piqued, the expression on Horris’s face one of confusion, his eyes flitting between the two of us until William shook his head, waving Horris off. It was clear it was no longer up for discussion.

We rode through the cobblestone streets toward Mr. Washington’s home by the docks. I watched the city fly by, Italian villas in their eye-catching style and color energized me. I found myself more animated than usual as I asked about the architecture, Horris more than happy to oblige me with what he knew. We had nothing like this at home and it was all enticing, tropical. I peered at William beside me, his smile so genuine his dimples made their rare appearance. As he listened to Horris, turning to look at me, the grin only grew wider.

“You picked a good one, Will,” Horris said after our discussion of various architectures.

“She is quite lovely, to be sure.” William kissed my hand, the carriage halted roughly. Horris jumped from the enclosure excitedly, William springing behind him. They were like boys, all manners gone, but I didn’t mind. I climbed from the carriage myself, giggling at the pair of them fighting over who could carry more. Horris raced to the door, his laughter loud and infectious.

I noticed his home for the first time since we’d arrived. A gorgeous work of Georgian architecture, the rows of houses lined the bay with an exquisite view of the calm blue water from the front windows.

“The two of you will be staying in the room across the hall from mine. I had Clementine prepare it this morning for you.” Horris said, kicking open his front door.

Entering the building we were greeted by bright walls and rich wood flooring adorned in luxurious rugs. The stairs were steep, showcasing a massive window in the landing, the parlor room to the left, dining room and kitchen to the right were all fashionably decorated to quite the maximalist taste. Exotic flowers billowed on display in every room. It all felt spacious, light, and welcoming.

Coming down the stairs was a stunning woman with richly melanated skin. Her dark curls were bound tightly behind her head, a red scarf keeping them all from her face. Her eyes softened when she took in Horris, bounding down the rest of the stairs in a hurry to place a happy kiss on his lips. William watched approvingly, bowing slightly to greet her, both he and Horris still held tightly onto the trunks.

“You must be Clementine,” William said. She smiled, dazzling the entire room.

“Indeed I am, and you must be Mr. Blackwell.” She turned her attention to me, “Is this your wife? Rosemary, isn’t it?” Her voice held the same southern drawl as Horris’s, comforting to listen to.

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” I said, taking her hand into my own. It was warm, a stark contrast between William’s and Horris’s. The two of them raced upstairs, trunks bumping into one another and the walls until they finally crashed loudly. Clementine shook her head, half amused as she sighed.

“Come, I’ll show you to your room.” She led me up the stairs, into a narrow hallway with four doors. Ours, apparently, was the first on the right. Horris and William’s laughter floated from the doorway, the two of them bumping and bustling around like children.

Inside the room upstairs, I noted how similar it was to the rest of the house. A massive feather bed taking up much of the space, the four-post frame was cherry wood, and there were so many pillows atop the mattress, one could scarcely sit on it. The textures and fabrics were rich, and the sheer curtains filtering in the warm South Carolina sun added a certain ambiance to the whole space.

“I’m younger and faster than you, old man,” Horris teased William, taking Clementine by the waist. “Feel free to use the wardrobes, stay as long as you please. We will allow you two to get settled, supper is at six.” They gave one last smile, closing the door behind them.

“Are they courting?” I asked, popping open the trunk containing my skirts. William leaned against a matching cherry vanity across from the bed.

“Do not bother unpacking. Once I get what I need, we will be back on a train to Boston.” I looked up at him in shock. I felt weary from travel.