Page 45 of The Vampyre

“You may now kiss your bride!” he cheered. I practically leapt into William’s arms, wrapping mine around his neck and crushing our lips together. William slid his tongue into my mouth, groaning softly as I melted into him. He tasted of everything I ever wanted, of frosted windows and pine trees, citrus and leather. We parted to a roar of clapping and faced our family and friends.

“I now present you, Mr. and Mrs. William Blackwell!”

Chapter Eight

The carriage halted at my family’s estate, garland and bouquets of late winter flowers decorated the porch. The sound of faint music from the band in the house drifted through the air, and people from all over made their way inside.

“Are you ready,Mrs.Blackwell?” William asked as the driver opened the door to our carriage. He gracefully climbed out, taking my hand ever so gently to guide me from the enclosed space and into the chilly air. We trekked inside, greeting and chatting with those who joined us from the ceremony. It was a flurry of faces, from one group to the next, shaking hands and light conversation, I grew exhausted rapidly.

We drank, and ate, and danced for what seemed like ages after the obligatory mingling. There was so much love and laughter to be had it seemed, William was walking on air. I watched excitedly as he let go and allowed himself to be fully present in the moment with me. Not once did he leave my side, not once did he listen to talks of business. He was here, with me, kissing me, dancing with me, the happiest I had seen him yet. There was no pretending, no hiding, no more lying. I never wanted it to end.

At sunset, as we’d finished the fruit cake, everyone headed back to the cleared away parlor room to partake in the last dances of the evening. The band began to play a waltz and William took my hand, bowing as he led us through the moves. We were laughing merrily, those on the sidelines clapped and cheered, a few couples twirled alongside us.

William spun me out, and as he pulled me back into his chest, his head whipped to the side. He stiffened, tucking me in closer. Almost inconspicuously, William danced us out of the throng of others, and in hurried steps, led me to the backdoor.

“My love, what is the matter?” I asked, casting a look over my shoulder toward the party. Behind us, Noel stood in the archway of the parlor, a smile on her lips. My steps faltered, but William continued to tug me outside and into the back courtyard before I could faint.

“They’re here, shhh,” he whispered against my ear, taking me into his arms. Noel sauntered outside, pausing some fifteen paces away.

“Congratulations to the happy couple,” she said sarcastically, her face serious as she clapped haphazardly.

“For the love of God, Noel. Do I need to kill you for you to leave me be?” William growled.

“Rest assured, William, I don’t believe you could.Mrs. Blackwell,” she spat my name, “Enjoy her while you can, William. I promise you will not have much time to.” I felt sick to my stomach, losing grip on my reality. The world was spinning, off kilter. My knees began to wobble.

“Leave her out of this!” William snapped, crouching. I stumbled back, terrified, leaning against a bush as I tried to remain grounded and not pass out.

“No, William! There will be repercussions for this! It involves her just as much as you and I now!” Noel responded in a hiss, mirroring William’s stance, she too had two sharp, white fangs appear. I gasped.

“Look at her! She’s white as a ghost! She doesn’t even know, does she?” Noel laughed in surprise. “You still have not told her? Now you really underestimate the consequences of your actions, William.”

“I’ve waited so long to kill you, Noel, give me more of a reason.”

I was frozen with fear, observing their interactions. Noel’s attention turned toward the house and then she was gone, as if she had never been there. William grabbed me, kissing me quickly as Mother begin to call my name. I could see her out of the corner of my eye in the doorway. After a moment, she retreated back into the warmth.

I pushed William off of me roughly, watching as he stared into the dark woods behind the property, his fangs still exposed.

“What are you?” I asked without thinking, though deep within my soul I believed I already knew.

“Not now, we are missed.” He fumed, directing us back inside. Even in the light, in the warmth of the room surrounded by those who’d come to celebrate with us, a chill settled into me. I could not recover.

At the end of the night, when everyone parted wishing us well, we retired to my bedroom for the final night. There was a stack of trunks in the corner of the room, everything I held dearly packed away to be fitted onto the carriage in the morning for our trip to Boston. Had Noel not shown, then perhaps it would have brought me more joy.

I watched William while he undid his cufflinks by the fire. “Will she follow us?” I asked.

“Inevitably, I am sure; however, we aren’t going to Boston right away.” He turned to look at me, slinking his suspenders and shirt off.

“Where will we go?” I asked, undoing all of my trappings. I removed my veil and wedding hat, untying the satin bow from my waist. William strolled over to me, helping me to unbutton the dress and letting it fall to the floor. I stepped out of the puddle of satin, taking a relieved breath when he finally removed the corset.

William carefully managed to gather the pins from my hair, letting it fall across my shoulders in cascading waves. He wrapped his hands around the curls, making a guttural sound in his throat.

“Where did we leave off this morning?” he asked, kisses trailing down my neck. William gingerly pushed the underdress from my shoulders, letting it too fall on to the floor.

My skin came alive as the cold air kissed it, tingling under his touch. I hungered for him, for he was truly addictive. Clearly–and rather frustratingly–I was making no progress with him sharing information, and so I let the anxieties of Noel fall to the back of my mind. Just for tonight. This was my wedding night after all, and I would not let it be tainted any more by her.

William guided me to the bed, laying down on his back and beckoning for me to climb on top. I placed one knee on either side of his hips, but he motioned for me to come up higher, toward his face. I was stunned, staring down at him with uncertainty.

“What?” he asked, smiling devilishly. He’d managed to get me up to his neck and there was something heady about his face between my thighs.