Page 84 of The Vampyre

Immediately my mouth was bathed in cherries, chocolate, and copper. The wine was full bodied and rich, tantalizing every taste bud in my mouth and satiating my body in more ways than one. I groaned in pleasure; it was unlike anything I had ever had before.

“Now that is damn good,” William said after a moment, looking into the glass with astonishment. His fangs were covered in the drink, his lower lip coated ever so slightly. My mind raced with lust. “After all of these years I have been alive, I have never considered mixing the two.”

“Truly ‘bloody brilliant,’ as you say,” Horris chuckled to himself.

“And judging from Rosemary’s utterly indecent look, I’d say we best take leave, Horris. We will be corrupting innocent mortals should the two of you decide to detach from one another and join us.” Filip pecked my cheek, a gentle warmth in his expression. He and Horris sauntered into the ballroom once more, slapping one another on the back as they seemed to rejoice in their own mischief.

William sipped his wine, brimming with joy. I could not help but smile in return at the easiness, the comfort.

“Would you care to promenade with me?” he implored. I tucked my arm in his, the sensation like coming in after a long night out in the cold.

“Why, yes, I’d love to. Lead the way, my fine gentleman.” We giggled softly, drinking deeply of the spiked alcohol. The building was gorgeous, every bit as opulent as one would imagine London’s first luxury hotel to be. We managed to find our way outside into the garden, the tree in the center dripping red leaves onto the stone and cigar smoke burned my nostrils.

“Have you been stalking me all this time?” I teased William after a moment, the moonlight hit his skin making him almost glow. He laughed lightly.

“Yes and no. There were times when I would just get the urge to move, only to find your scent or that you had somehow just been there. It is ironic in a way, I have been hunting Noel and yet, everywhere she’s been, you’ve been. I’d be lying if I said I have not been waiting.” He squeezed my arm. “Waiting for theultima mortem,or a moment similar to this. Waiting for when you could finally forgive me, if it ever occurred. But tonight, tonight I had no clue you would be here. Filip and I are partners with one of the hosts, and he insisted quite zealously that I attend.”

“I didn’t think you were so near until I ran into Adam, here in London actually, in the spring. He said Noel had been stalking you.” A rush of young men came into the courtyard, shouting and hollering with glasses spilling from their hands. “Your friend seems quite popular.”

“Oh, he is, he spared no expense and no acquaintance tonight.” William handed our empty glasses to the waiter by the doorway. We removed our masks and for the first time in years I was able to gaze upon his face.

So unchanged, exactly the way I remembered it. His strong jaw, his thick brows, and high cheekbones. He was gorgeous, carved by the most skilled of Grecian sculptors. He tenderly touched my cheek with pure affection taking over every feature.

“You are so much more beautiful than I remember,” he whispered. I kissed his palm, pulling him along on our walk. “I am sorry that Adam and Noel continued to harass you after you were Changed. I am sure that was disturbing to you.”

“After he had watched her kill me and our child he had the audacity to threaten me. He chased me from my apartment—”

“I did see that,” he sheepishly smiled.

“Pardon me?” I laughed, stunned that he would have known.

“I heard some buzz of an absolutely destroyed flat and out of an abundance of caution, I investigated. Imagine my surprise when I arrived to your belongings and Adam’s scent.”

“Did you happen to go through anything?” I asked, if I could blush, I would have.

He shook his head, “Your letters? No, they were picked clean, by Adam I imagine, save for a few to your mother, which were scattered throughout the room.” I sighed in relief.

“You still wear them?” he asked, eyes on my necklace.

“I could never take them off,” I muttered sheepishly. “Where are you staying?” I slid my hand down his arm, intertwining our fingers, unable to keep my hands to myself. We were still married despite a rather long separation, was it so bad of me then?

“Outside of the city; I own a small cottage in the Cotswolds. And you?”

“Of course, you do!” I laughed, throwing my head back, letting the wind tussle my hair. “I’m staying with Horris for now.”

“Oh, quite posh, aye?” he teased.

“Yes, quite!” We swerved back and forth along the stone sidewalk, giggling and enjoying each other’s presence, a lightness in the air between us, the buzzing feeling of alcohol felt heavy with the weight of blood.

“Come with me.” He stopped suddenly, placing his hands on my waist, eyes a burning deep green.

“Where?” I asked, my hands on his arms, the electric buzz of a thrill coursing through me.

“Come home with me tonight, let’s get away together, like how things used to be.” A small pang of guilt bounced around in my chest for the time lost between us. I deeply wanted to, to run away with him and stay in a cottage forever, experience just each other with no other soul around. We deserved that after everything that happened.

“Okay.” Taking his hand firmly in mine, I smiled, pushing the black cloud of guilt from my mind.

“Have you run recently in such shoes?” he asked, motioning toward my pointed, glittering heels. I cackled, the guilt lightening further at his playfulness