Page 92 of Captured By Chaos

We sat there for a few moments, not talking or playing or moving, just staring. I didn’t know what he was thinking as he took in this other side of me, but I didn’t care; I relished finally being able to show him all of me.

My body buzzed, the current running along my skin and pulsing in a way I hadn’t felt in a long time. I needed to move, wanted desperately to feel the rush of strength and power that I had missed; I craved it. I lifted off my haunches, taking a few trots forward until my nose gently touched Nolan’s, his eyes widening.

“I’ll race you.”I nudged him with my muzzle before taking off into the trees.

“You little tease,”he laughed, not missing a stride as he rushed after me, his long gait catching up to me quickly. I pushed harder, the muscles in my rear legs screaming at the power and aching for more as I picked up speed, determined to win.

A part of me feared that this would trigger something, since I used to race with Logan; but in that moment, I chose to let my happy, free thoughts take control. I chose to let myself feel and enjoy. I was taking power back from the man who tried to steal it from me a year ago. It wasn’t his to own, it was mine, and I would enjoy every moment of this night despite his efforts to ruin me.

He hadn’t ruined me, and he never would.

“First back to the starting point wins,” I baited Nolan, circling around toward our final destination.

“You’re on,” he chuckled, never losing stride as we set our sights on the course ahead, our feet pounding the earth, echoing around us.

My chest tightened with each labored breath. I didn’t let it slow me down, pushing myself further and further, bringing myself to the brink of my strength, feeling that power course through my muscles. We were neck and neck, each of us determined to get there first. Laughter bubbled in my chest, the freeing tingle speckled all along my long body.

The area was only about fifty yards away when something slammed into my side—Nolan’s broad shoulder banging into me. I stumbled only for a moment before I righted myself and pushed back on the course.

“Cheater!”I squealed, but it was too late; he had the edge, pulling himself forward to clear the finish line first.

Oh, if he thought he could get away with that, he was sorely mistaken.

I didn’t even hesitate as I came to the clearing he’d stopped in, leaping through the air and landing on top of him, the two of us tumbling across the forest floor, our laughter filling our minds. We finally stopped, my back against the warm earth, my four legs bent toward my chest as I stared up at him; Nolan stood over me, staring at me with a fire in his gaze, his chest heaving, mouth slightly open.

My legs were shaky and muscles on fire from most likely pushing too hard in the race. I could have convinced myself that’s why I didn’t move, but it would have been a lie. I let myself stay there, basking in the moment we had found ourselves in, a desire pooling within me, burning and begging to be released.

Goddess, I didn’t want him to leave.

Maybe…maybe he didn’t have to…

I barely had time to process that shocking thought before howls filled the air, drifting to us. Taylor and Lucas’s were instantly recognizable, their concerned warbles shattering the moment. They were calling everyone back, the deep low resonance of their outcry letting us know something was wrong.

My gaze caught Nolan’s for a moment before we rushed back to where we’d ditched our clothes, transforming back into our human forms and dressing privately before returning to the camp together.

Pandemonium had erupted, people putting out the fires while others collect the food and drinks, shoving them haphazardly into packs and boxes.

“What’s going on?” I asked as we approached the cluster of Hierarchy members off to the side, Ollie among them.

Beckett turned to us, his face grim. “Another body has been found.”

Chapter Forty-Four

We kept the group as small as possible, only the Keturimembers quickly changing into our full Guard uniforms before racing on our lectracycles to the crime scene. The rest of the team stayed behind; Ollie even offered to help with clean up before heading back to his own Faction for the night. All our Gammas and Treasus began preparing for another body to be brought to compound along with any preliminary setup for the additional case.

The tension was palpable between all of us as we whizzed through the streets, our bikes picking up speed. Something was off tonight…maybe it was the full moon or my instincts and body still abuzz from my first shift in a year, but I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable at the tiny pinpricks crawling along every inch of my body.

Part of it was certainly how quickly Elliot was killing, which just seemed off with his patterns. Everything about his time here in Seathra was slowly slipping from his normal, and for someone who thrived on details, it made my insides crawl. He was making moves quickly and erratically, yet with plenty of expertise to not give anything away before he wanted to. He was in control of this whole situation, and if we didn’t hurry, he would win.

I would not let him win. I would bring him down if it was the last thing I did.

We rounded through the empty streets and crossed the threshold into the town of Trudid. Our bikes were most likely waking up plenty of people so late at night, but there was no way around it. We were needed, we had a case, and nothing would keep us away.

We made it to the residence where the body was found, the typical local guard and spectators milling in and out of the front door. The lieutenant in charge brought us through, giving us all the details: twenty-something Varg Anwyn female, found by her human husband after he had reported her missing three days ago. She had been completely drained of blood and drenched in wolfsbane before being brought back to her house and laid out on her bed, Elliot’s crest found branded on her neck. It all sounded fairly straightforward—as straightforward as one of these mind-bending cases could be.

But when we got to the body, it was clear this was nothing like before.

This young lady had been handled with extreme care. Her body was peacefully resting on the bed, hands gently folded on her sternum, neck propped lovingly with a pillow, wearing a new lace-and-silk black nightgown. Her curly red hair was brushed and gently laid out around her like a halo. It was once again a perfect crime scene, the wolfsbane burning my nostrils and making me want to gag, but I was able to tamper down the urge.