Page 70 of Captured By Chaos

My mind and body were equally exhausted after my counseling session.

Vanessa was kind enough to find an empty room by her office for me to lie down in, allowing me a two-hour nap before I had to leave. She even woke me up just in time to hop on my lectracycle and start my drive over to Nana Aggie’s. My mind was still foggy, my muscles overexerted like I had just worked out all morning—without actually doing anything. I had to push through it, though; today I was celebrating my grandmother’s birthday, and I wasn’t going to let my mood ruin her day.

As usual, I caught up with Ollie on the road, the two of us racing toward Nana’s place. I was too exhausted to jest and bait him into a race. I just wanted to enjoy the whipping of the wind against my cheeks and the pumping exhilaration of the speed we rode at. He didn’t question my quiet, closed-off thoughts with odd looks, just followed along as we broke through the town lines and wound our way down the streets. We pulled up in front of Nana’s house, parking our cycles in the drive, and my stomach dropped at an odd sight.

A third lectracycle was already there.

“What the…?” Ollie trailed off as we both stared at the extra cycle. Our gazes caught for a moment, and I assumed he was thinking the same thing as me: only those in the Guard were given cycles, which meant another Ibridowyn was here. And since Aggie lived in my territory, I would’ve known if someone was here to talk to her officially. Leaving only one other person who might come visit.

Without a word to each other, we rushed to the door, heading straight to the dining room. I shouldn’t have been as shocked as my frozen muscles reacted; I’d known the moment I pulled into the drive. Yet my heart raced, my body numbing from my toes to my ears at the sight of Caleb sitting at the table with Nana, the two of them sipping cups of tea clutched in their hands.

They both looked up at us, Nana’s eyes widening. “Oh, Goddess, did I lose track of time? I wasn’t expecting you two so soon.”

“It’s fine, Nana.” My words came out shaky, but that was the best I could do in the moment. I was just happy I was able to get anything out at all.

“What are you doing here?” Ollie sneered, taking a step forward, partially blocking me from Caleb as if he needed to protect me. And honestly, maybe a small part of me needed to be, my legs shaking at the sight of my brother sitting in front of me for the first time in months.

“I’m visiting our grandmother on her birthday.” He stood slowly from his chair, his schooled features giving nothing about his thoughts away. Part of me wanted to reach out and knock on his mind, try and get an understanding of what was swirling within him, but even if I tried, he would keep me locked out.

Lunestia was testing me today—throwing my problems in front of me, baiting me to come to terms with the wicked mess that still hid in my soul. Even though I was starting to accept it piece by piece, this was completely different. I wasn’t ready to face Caleb, to tell him how his utter betrayal had broken me and I was still trying to bring the pieces back together. I wasn’t ready for him to see me like that—not again.

“Kas shouldn’t be that surprised, she’s the one who reminded me.” Caleb pointed to me, Ollie turning around with a questioning glance.

Those words certainly snapped me out of my silence. “I reminded you to send a gift, not come for a surprise visit.”

“How was I to know the two of you would be here?” Caleb stood up straighter, crossing his arms. “It’s not like you expressly told me to stay away.”

“I live the closest to Nana, Cal, what did you expect?” I countered. “You’ve made excuses every year as to why you can’t be here for her birthday, why in the Goddess would I assume this year would be any different?”

“Maybe this is the Goddess telling us it’s time for a talk.” Nana stepped forward, putting herself between Caleb and us. “As the family we all are.”

Caleb shot us a smug smile. “I am more than willing to put the past in the past.”

“Of course you are,” Ollie grumbled, his head shaking.

“That’s not what I meant, Caleb.” Nana’s voice was calm, but fury built in her eyes. “You need to listen to your sister, you need to hear her story.”

“I don’t need to hear the story, Nana, I know what happened.” Caleb shook his head. “I read the case file, I saw the evidence, and I stand by my decision.”

“What does that even mean?” I yelled, the little control I had over myself snapping just a bit.

“You’re an investigator, Kasha.” He looked me up and down, lips frowning. “You should know that only compelling evidence would have swayed the High Faction to make their decision.”

I scoffed. “And an influential uncle like Cole to cover up for his disgusting nephew.”

“That’s speculation, and you know it!” Caleb shot back. I had to suppress a growl at the typical weak response to that defense.

“Then give me something that isn’t speculation.” I took a step forward, building up all the progress I had made over the past few weeks, pulling at my instincts to finally push Caleb to explain why he had chosen against me. What had swayed him? There must have been something besides blind faith in Logan.

Or, at least, the last shred of hope I had for my brother depended on that theory. And Goddess above, did I need it to be true.

He crossed his arms, staring down at me with those judgmental silver eyes. “Such as?”

“What made you choose him?” I kept my shoulders pulled back, not cowering away from the question I had been too scared to ask in the past. “How did he get you to believe him?”

“Classified evidence.”

“It was my case!” I argued. “I had access to all evidence, so what Goddess-blessed evidence was so compelling that you chosehim?”