Page 39 of Fated to Monsters

He rests his hand on my knee, and I thank the Angels that I asked him to come along today. Does Dash know how much support he’s providing by simply being near me?

Willow takes the chair closest to me and props her elbow on the armrest. “Where are you from?”

Such an innocent question that harbors more than she’s bargaining for.

“Prania,” I tell her.

Willow tilts her head, another display of her beauty shining through with each movement she makes. “I’m not familiar with Prania. What state is that in?”

A lump forms in my throat and multiplies in my stomach. Why am I so fucking nervous about speaking to her and telling her my truth? Maybe it’s because if I talk too freely I will ruin this for all of us.

Sydney comes over with a tray in his grasp. He carefully sets it on the table and distributes the steaming mugs. “Prania is another realm, dear.” Sydney lowers himself onto the other seat and joins our conversation fully. “They traveled across the fold.”

“I’ve never heard of Prania, though, in our time researching other realms.” Willow presses her palms around the mug like she’s warming her hands, the same thing I do; it’s one of the reasons I love coffee.

“I hadn’t either until they told me about it.” Sydney sips his drink. “Could ask the headmaster about it. You have a meeting with him later today.”

“Who’s that?” I ask her while suddenly realizing there are probably a lot more people in this realm that I’m unaware of and will come across. When we were confined to Sydney’s house, our interactions were limited, but now we’re out in the world, there’s no telling how many I’ll encounter. How will I know if they’re supernatural or human? What if I say the wrong thing to the wrong person? How is she able to determine someone’s species just by shaking their hand? Is that something she could teach me?

Too many questions and not enough breath to speak them all.

Willow interrupts my rampant thoughts. “He’s in charge of the local shadow academy Sydney and I both attended. Headmaster Walker. He’s highly knowledgeable of the supernatural world and the academy itself houses an expansive library full of supernatural literature. Surely there’s something between him and the books that would shine some light on Prania.” Willow speaks with such confidence and elegance that it makes me sit up a little straighter in my seat.

“I’m sorry, did you sayshadowacademy?”

“Mmhm.” She sips her coffee. “Much like a regular undergraduate college, except half the students are supernatural and attend their magical classes without the human faction having any idea of their powers.”

“That seems…dangerous.”

Willow shrugs. “Existing in their world has its risks, but this way, students learn how to balance the two and navigate keeping their abilities concealed. Of course, there are times when that is tested, but for the most part, it works well without issues.”

Humans and supernaturals living in tandem, going to college together, peacefully. What a strange place Arthlia is. And how incredibly fascinating.

“And what of your parents?” she asks me.

“My mother,” I chew my lip. “She died when I was young, and my father left before that.”

Willow nods like she somehow understands what I’m saying. “That makes sense.” She reaches out her hand and her tone shifts. “Not about your mother dying, for that I am so terribly sorry, but your father, that is a common Oliver situation. It was part of the curse.” She turns to Sydney. “How much of this did you already tell them?”

Sydney shrugs. “Some of it. It’s a lot of information.”

"It really is." She glances down at her watch. "Listen, I don't mean to cut this short, but I have another pressing matter to attend to." Her mesmerizing gaze meets mine. "Would you walk with me for a moment?"

“Yeah.” I rise to my feet without question because what other option do I have? I’d do anything she asked if it meant taking one step closer to finding out the truth of my continuously mysterious life.

“Syd, keep Dash company while I steal her for a few minutes?” Willow gives Sydney’s shoulder a gentle squeeze and offers Dash a kind smile.

“You okay?” Dash mouths to me.

With a nod, I confirm that I am, despite the aversion to leaving him behind. It's not me that I worry about, but Sydney has been considerate enough to allow us to get away with breaking into his home and using his amenities. It wouldn't be farfetched to assume he wouldn’t keep Dash alive for a few more minutes.

My footsteps patter quietly along the floor behind Willow’s. Once we’re outside her office, she slows her pace to fall beside me, walking in unison like equals.

“I apologize for my shortness,” she tells me. “It’s not at all uncommon that we have new witches, but one actually bearing the Oliver name…that’s a surprise.”

“You don’t have any direct relatives?” I match her strides but give her the lead since I’m not exactly sure where she’s taking me.

“Mother and father, yes. My uncle isn’t a blood relative.” She leads us through a swinging door, the aroma of berries and warm bread greets us with a warm embrace.