“I’ll bet.”

Edward either didn’t notice the humor in Rex’s voice or chose to ignore it. “It’s simple, really. You turn Sarah and Ava over to us, and we’ll leave you in peace. If not, your pack will be destroyed.”

The thought came to Sarah’s mind so fully formed that she hardly mulled it over before stepping toward the front door.

A hard, muscular arm shot out to stop her. “What are you doing?”

She looked up at Max. He’d never understood her, not really. Not the way she wanted him to. It was even harder for him now, but she would make him. “I’m going out there. I’m going to give myself up to Edward.”

Anger burned in his eyes. “Why would you do that?”

“Maybe I can convince him to take me and leave Ava alone. Then I’ll never have to worry about her. She’ll stay with you, Max. Where she’ll be safe.” She tried to take another step.

He moved fully in front of her now. “Are you out of your mind? I don’t care what we just said upstairs. I’m not letting you do this.”

“We don’t have a choice.” She couldn’t keep the trembling out of her voice, but there was no time to be embarrassed about it now. This was her last chance to save Ava from Edward’s clutches, and she was going to take it.

“I’ve got your place fully surrounded,” Edward warned Rex. “It wouldn’t take us more than a few minutes to end you all. I’m more than happy to add to the Greystone territory by taking over yours, if that’s the way you want to do this.”

She hated her father with the vilest hostility she could muster, and she hated him all the more for proving her point just now. “See? I have to go.”

“Hell no, Sarah. He’ll probably kill you before you’re even off the property,” Max growled. “It’s not happening. We’re here to protect you, and that’s the end of it.”

Desperation welled up inside her. They had all done so much for her, but there had to be a limit. “I can’t have any Glenwoods hurt or killed for my sake.”

A soft and gentle hand rested on her shoulder. “That’s exactly what a pack should do,” Joan said softly. “You might not have been born into the Glenwoods, Sarah, but you’re one of us. Nothing is going to change that. Nothing,” she added again when she saw that Sarah was about to argue with her.

The door opened, and Rex came back inside. All eyes were on him. “I spoke with their Alpha. He has certain demands to be met before he’ll agree to leave.”

Her stomach twisted into knots. Max should’ve just let her go. She was going to die anyway.

Sarah stepped forward, ready to offer herself up.

“But we won’t give in to their demands,” Rex said, his eyes meeting hers for a moment as he looked around the room. “We fight.”

Max pulled Sarah away from the crowd as Rex gave the last-minute plans. “You don’t have to go out there, Sarah. No one expects you to fight your own father. We can put you in the safe room.”

“I have to.” She knew it as soon as she said it, and there was no changing it now. “I have to go out there; otherwise, I’ll just keep hiding from this. That’s what I’ve been doing: staying inside, trying to keep the kids close, and constantly watching. I’m not living. I’m just hiding. And the problem has caught up with me regardless. I have to fight, Max.”

“All right.” He glanced up to where everyone was taking their places. “Then let’s go.”

The next few seconds were a whirlwind as someone flung open the front door. Rex charged out first, tackling Edward head-on. The other Glenwoods streamed out behind him and onto the lawn, taking on the Greystones as they charged on the flanks of their leader.

Sarah felt her wolf rise up within her, eager and ready. She let it overtake her, welcoming the pain. It was nothing compared to all the suffering her father had put her through. Her bones cracked and her guts twisted. She felt the aching throb of her nails turning to claws, and the wind tunneled through her ears as they moved. Sarah nearly bit her tongue with her sharp fangs as she thrust herself forward onto all fours.

Carter faced her, his hackles up and his yellow eyes glowing.You actually came out to fight for yourself?he taunted.What a fucking joke. At least it’ll make my job easier.

A chill rippled down her spine. The Greystones may have made her an outcast, but they couldn’t sever the mental link that still existed between them.I wouldn’t be so sure of that.

Sarah was fueled not by regular training or exceptional skill. She knew Max, Brody, and the others would be far better at this than she was. Her only hope was that it meant they wouldn’t get hurt. As for her, she had no reason to care anymore. She hadn’t been living, so did it really matter if she died? Not if she did so fighting for her children, the Glenwoods, or the life that had already been taken from her while she still breathed.

She launched forward, her teeth gnashing. Sarah aimed for his throat. Carter had been one of the men who’d captured her and returned her to her father. She remembered it clearly. He’d caught her by surprise, and she hadn’t had a chance to fight him off. Things were different now. Her teeth caught in the thick scruff of fur beside his throat, and she clamped down hard.

Carter yanked back, snarling. He dragged her across the ground as he backed away, his claws scraping down the length of her belly as he tried to force her off of him, but Sarah only bit down harder. She knew she’d never get another grip on him like this. His blood filled her mouth and dripped off her muzzle. She had him.

Until he whipped his body to the side. The force was too much, and she lost her hold on him. Sarah flew through the air, her body completely out of her control, and slammed into the trunk of a maple tree. The air left her lungs, and the bark scraped against her hide. She fell to the ground, frozen.

You should’ve stuck with doing the dishes,Carter sneered. Blood dripped down his neck, staining his dark fur a deep burgundy.Now I just have to decide if I’m going to finish you off myself or let Edward have the honor.