He’d missed her. He’d longed for her. He’d hoped but never thought it could be real, and now there she was, right with him where she belonged. His soul was ablaze as Max sank into her heat. He slowly pushed deeper and then stopped, holding himself there just so he could close his eyes and revel in the way they fit together.

Her legs slid around his, her toes locking in the crook of his ankles as she undulated beneath him. Her hands and lips roved over him, taking him in every way she possibly could. She bucked her hips in rhythm with his, grinding against him until she was throwing her head back into the pillow.

Her breath became nothing more than short gasps, and Max could feel her contracting around his shaft, driving him toward the edge as she approached it herself. He wanted to hold back, to keep this moment for as long as he could, but she felt too damn good. His body tightened when Sarah’s lips found his again. She stiffened and then cried out, her core pulling him in, welcoming him, demanding him. Her groan of satisfaction echoed in his mouth, and the desire he tasted on her tongue shot through him, beckoning his own release.

Max held her there on top of the covers as reality slowly slipped back in around them. He could hear the clock ticking on the wall and the gentle swoosh of the ceiling fan. Most of all, though, he could hear her breathing as she lay there in his arms. Her heartbeat was a welcome thrum against his chest. A tear heated the corner of his eye and slid down toward the mattress, and he let it go. Destiny and fate had never meant so much to him.


“So,you’ve really never been in your wolf form before?” Hunter arched a brow toward his newfound sister.


“Weird. Well, you’re gonna love it. Once you get through a few shifts, you’ll have to start coming out with us to train.”

Sarah slid her eyes over and shared a secret smile with Max as they walked out into the woods behind the Glenwood packhouse with their children. She hadn’t had much time to contemplate what it might be like for Hunter and Ava to finally meet or how well they might get along. So far, though, so good.

Things between herself and Max were certainly good, maybe even better after what happened last night. God, it’d been so long. She still held the memories of making love to him before, but nothing compared to the way their bodies felt together in the flesh. It had never been an act to satisfy a physical need with him. It was a deeper hunger, a longing for not just each other’s bodies but each other’s souls.

But after sixteen years of celibacy, her body sure didn’t mind the attention. Right now, though, it’d have to wait. Sarah turned her focus back to the kids.

Ava wasn’t much younger than Hunter, but her lack of life experience meant she was already looking up to him. “I don’t think I’ll be ready for that anytime soon. You guys have been training together all this time, and I haven’t even shifted before.”

Hunter could’ve been jealous by suddenly being forced to share the attention with a younger sibling. Instead, he’d taken her under his wing. “So? You’re still one of us, and I’m sure you’ll get used to it in no time. You’ll catch up. Don’t worry.”

“They’re kind of cute, aren’t they?” Sarah kept her voice down so only Max would hear.

“Definitely.” His head was back, his face toward the sun, and he’d been smiling the entire time. “I’m glad to see you’re okay with being out here.”

Her stomach shivered a bit, and Sarah realized she’d actually relaxed enough to enjoy herself for a moment. She’d been trapped in her father’s house for so long, and every time she even thought about walking out the door, it was impossible not to imagine the Greystones coming for her once again. As those thoughts tried to creep back in, she shoved them away. She couldn’t live her life like that. She had to be strong for Ava, no matter how hard it might be. “I’m working on it. It helps to know so many others are around, ready to jump in if needed. I don’t want anyone to put their life on the line for me, but—”

“Hey.” He moved closer and slid his hand down her forearm and wrist until their fingers were clasped. “They will, whether you ask them to or not. You’re one of us, and that’s how we do things. You know that. It’s exactly why you and Ava are staying here at the packhouse; it’s easier to keep you safe until we know where this is going.”

She nodded and clamped her lips around further protests. How could she argue against them helping her when that was the exact reason she’d come to them? “I guess I’m just saying I appreciate it.”

He’d been looking around and ahead, but now his eyes met hers. “I’m hoping this is just a temporary situation, though, and that you and Ava will move in with Hunter and I once we know things are safe. I need you by my side again, Sarah.”

The shiver that moved through her now wasn’t one of fear but pure pleasure. She’d had no idea how he might receive her after all these years, but so far, he’d welcomed her with open arms. Too much had happened over the years for them to pick up exactly where they left off, but it was easy to fall for him all over again. “I think we can make that happen. First, I’ll have to figure out if I still know how to shift.”

The trail had opened up into a clearing, and Max brought the group to a stop. “I’m sure it’ll come back to you, just like riding a bike.”

“I don’t know if I remember how to do that, either!” Sarah laughed. The breeze rustled the leaves on the trees and brought the scent of wildflowers. Birds sang as they lived their own lives overhead. It was all so bright and picturesque that it was hard to believe this was real. “Ava, are you ready for this?”

The girl pulled in a breath and puffed her cheeks out as she let it go. “I don’t know. I’m not sure what to do.”

“That’s all right,” Max said gently. “We all have to learn at some point. It might be a little hard at first, but once you get it down, it’ll get faster and easier every time you do it.”

“Okay.” She looked doubtful as she shifted her feet in the grass.

“You can feel your wolf inside you, right?”

She nodded.

“It wants to come out. I can promise you that even if it’s never been out before, it’s interested. That’s just the nature of the beast. All you have to do is let it. Our human side is what keeps it in check, so this is about letting go of that and tuning in to your wild self. Does that make sense?”

Sarah watched as Max coached their daughter. He’d only known her for a couple of days, but he was no stranger to being a father. She hated that he’d had to take care of Hunter on his own, but he’d obviously done well.

“I want you to close your eyes and concentrate on your wolf,” Max continued. Take a deep breath, and when you let it out, just imagine your entire human self melting away. Visualize your wolf breaking out into the world.”