Page 24 of Wolf's Midlife Bite

They were ‘out’ right now, technically, but she knew that wasn’t what he meant. Robin liked the idea either way.Yeah. That would be great.


“I just knewI had to get this compass tattooed on my foot. I mean, I love to travel. Don’t you?”

“Mm.” With a paper towel, he wiped off the black ink that’d pooled on her skin and started shading in the arms of the compass. The lines had come out nice and crisp, just as he’d planned. After this bit of shading, he just had to add the splash of color she wanted in the background.

He was in the zone, so he could perform his work without using his whole mind. The rest of it was completely occupied by thoughts of Robin. The night they’d spent together after going out for burgers had been incredible, but their time together as wolves had been downright magical. He hadn’t expected their pull to increase that much once they were on four legs, which only proved that his theory about her was right. There was a lot he had yet to tell her. If she’d come around to the idea of being a shifter, maybe the rest wouldn’t be so bad.

“Beaches are my absolute favorite,” his client continued, gesturing quickly with her hands and making her whole body jerk.

It was a small enough movement in everyday life, but it was enough that it could seriously fuck up a tattoo for an artist that wasn’t ready. Brody automatically lifted his needle until she settled back in again, scrunching his brow and hoping she’d get the hint.

“You know, the sun, the sand. Laying out in my favorite little string bikini. Or maybe no bikini at all, depending on where I am,” she giggled.

Red and orange on one side, fading across to green and blue. It’d be a good effect when it was all done.

He’d never seen a wolf as stunning as Robin. She may have been a little gawky and uncertain at first, but it’d been endearing to watch her trip all over herself. She put her life and trust in his hands as they worked together. Brody had felt that connection deepen the longer they were out there, and he hadn’t wanted it to end.

“I admit, I tend to get a little wild when I’m on vacation. I’d be so embarrassed if someone took my phone and looked through all those crazy pics!” She waggled her phone in the air for emphasis. “But you know, I get a few margaritas in me, and I just can’t help myself!”

Robin had done well for someone who’d been human her entire life. Brody could only hope he’d shown her enough so she could keep herself safe if anything happened.

“All right. All I have to do is clean it off, and then you’re done.”

“Oh, can I take a video? I love this part. So satisfying!” She was already sitting up and aiming her camera.

“Sure.” He cleaned it carefully, checking for anything that he’d missed. It was a habit he’d started a long time ago after he’d missed a line when he was just an apprentice. It was a mistake he’d been determined not to make twice, and so far, he’d stuck to that. Everything looked great.

“I’d like to get a photo for my portfolio and records, if you don’t mind,” he said mildly, knowing she wouldn’t. She was obviously more than happy to be on camera.

“Not at all! And if you want to share it on social media or anything, that’d be great!”

“Good deal.” When he’d taken off his gloves, he grabbed his phone and snapped a few photos. “Are you happy with it?”

“Are you kidding me?” she gushed. “It’s amazing! But I knew it would be. You came highly recommended. For your talent, but also because all my friends said you were hot.” She giggled again.

With a new pair of gloves, Brody carefully covered the tattoo in a special jelly and then plastic wrap to keep it safe. “I’ve got some aftercare sheets for you, but you can always call the shop if you have any concerns or questions. You can pay up front, and you’re all done.”

“Thank you so much! I just love it!” She batted her eyelashes at him.

It was only then that Brody realized what was actually happening. She’d been flirting with him the whole time. At one point, when he was much younger, he’d liked that idea. More recently, it hadn’t mattered much. Now that Robin was in his life, it didn’t matter at all. “Thanks. Have a good one.”

She was happy with her tattoo, if not with his reaction to her, but he had to count that as a satisfied customer. Brody took a moment to upload the best photo of her tat to a folder in his cloud where he kept all of the work he did, and he tagged it with the date and a few categories so he’d be able to find it later.

As he did, it occurred to him that the media hadn’t released the name of the woman with the raccoon tattoo. Brody found it easily enough with a quick search. Then he popped into the shop’s files, a different system that tracked names, contact info, and waivers. Sienna Barry. That was her. He hadn’t been able to come up with her name off the top of his head, but once all the pieces were there, they fit together perfectly.

He glanced down at her date of birth. Damn. The poor girl was only twenty-five. She had her whole life ahead of her, but now it’d all been taken away. And for what? Why would anyone do such a thing?

Brody put the files and his phone away as he began wiping down the room. The paper towels, gloves, and cups of ink went into the trash. The needles went in the sharps container. He arranged his other equipment so it could be autoclaved. Brody remembered when he was twenty-five. He and Danielle had been together for about five months, long enough for him to get just as excited for her child coming into the world as she was. He’d gone with her to buy all the baby furniture and clothing, and they had diapers and bottles ready to go. Seeing Devin come into the world had been the most exhilarating thing he’d ever experienced. The world had changed for him, making Brody feel like he could do anything. That was when he’d truly knuckled down and gotten serious about tattooing, determined to make good money and a good life for the three of them.

Danielle hadn’t been his mate. He’d known it then just as much as he knew it now, but he’d ignored it. Devin hadn’t been his son, either. But it was a beautiful start to a perfect little family, and he’d been sure he could make it work.

Some things just weren’t possible.


Poppy’s knock on the doorway had him looking over his shoulder at her. “Hey.”