Not that he really had any reason to wonder. The state of satisfaction he’d been in as he’d pulled her body against his was undeniable. His wolf had been able to sense that same feeling within her. Plus, he had eyes. Robin had looked at him with a glowing contentment, something he knew he could take pride in.
The door opened, and Robin appeared in her scrubs. She’d changed out of them for their date, he knew, and he noted just how gorgeous those green eyes of hers looked in contrast to the deep purple fabric. “Brody?” she called, just as she would for any other patient.
But when he stood and their eyes locked, he knew she wasn’t looking at him like any other patient. Her mouth curved upward in a sensual smile, and he felt a ripple of heat through his body. Maybe it’d been a mistake to take her out before this appointment because it was going to be hard to keep this professional.
“I’ll take you right back here for your x-rays.” She led the way through the winding hall and into a room tucked into the back. “You can have a seat right there, and then you get to wear this sexy lead apron.”
Her hands fluttered gently near his neck as she placed the protective apron over him, and his wolf instantly clawed against the underside of his skin. Being together in her bed had calmed it briefly, but apparently, that would only last so long. “So, come here often?”
“Just about every day,” she said with a smile as she set up the machine, “unless I happen to be across town getting a tattoo. There’s this guy that comes highly recommended, especially because he’s so good at following up with his clients to make sure they’re healing well. I just can’t quite remember his name.”
“I think I know who you’re talking about. I heard he has a thing for strawberry blondes.” She’d straightened her hair that day, the soft waves falling in a crisp line along her jaw. He wanted to reach out and run his finger over that line, to memorize it and save it for later.
“Hold still.”
When she was done snapping a series of x-rays, he followed her past a surprising number of other exam rooms to hers at the front of the building. A wide window looked out onto the landscaping surrounding the office. Most of it was what he’d expect from a dental office, with cool gray walls and bright white flooring, but he noted several framed photos of her family dotting the walls amongst posters about oral cancer and the importance of flossing daily. It only told him a little about her, and he found himself wanting to know even more.
“Have a seat.” She gestured at the patient chair, scanned over his medical history form, and clipped a bib around his neck.
Again with those soft hands so close to him, Brody felt his wolf rising inside him. This was going to be one long-ass appointment. He wanted to know everything about her, but he was pretty damn sure she wasn’t ready to know all about him. “I see. You bring me in here, all alone, and lay me back on this chair. I think I know exactly what’s happening.”
“It’s only fair, right? I believe you had me in a rather similar position less than a week ago. At least I don’t have to pull your pants down to do my job. Probably. Maybe.” She smiled mischievously at him as she turned to the computer.
The sweet, peachy smell drifted across his nostrils as she moved her arm to type something in, and a tightness took over his stomach and further down. It would be so easy to reach over, drag her onto his lap, capture her mouth with his, and take her all over again. Damn, this was difficult!
“All right. Let’s take a peek at those x-rays.” There was a moment of silence before she looked back at him. “What tooth was bothering you again? According to these x-rays, you’ve got the most perfect teeth I’ve ever seen.”
He’d known she would catch him in that lie, but he wasn’t sure he cared now. He was there with her; at the moment, that was all that really mattered. “It was a great excuse to make sure I could see you again, wasn’t it?”
“Really?” She narrowed her eyes, but the corners of her mouth were still curled up. The words hung between them for one long, painful moment in which Brody couldn’t tell how she’d react. Until she burst out laughing so hard that she ended up bent over on her stool with her elbows braced on her knees. Tears were in her eyes when she finally straightened up again. “Brody, what the hell am I going to do with you?”
“Drag me back to your place so you can take advantage of me? Or you could just shut the door. That would work, too.” He grinned, knowing even without asking that she wasn’t the kind of woman who’d risk her job like that. Still, it was fun to think about.
“How about I just clean your teeth since you’re here?” She pulled her mask up and laid the chair back.
He couldn’t really flirt with her anymore with her hands in his mouth, but Brody didn’t mind. It still meant that he got to be close to her, which was the point of this appointment in the first place. He studied the careful, focused look in her green eyes as she looked over his teeth and gums with that ridiculously tiny mirror and relished the way her breasts occasionally brushed against his head.
Too soon, it was time for Dr. Watson to come in. He strutted into the room and snapped on his gloves. “All right. Let’s see what we’ve got here. I understand there’s a tooth that’s bothering you?”
“I think that was just a mistake in the system,” Robin volunteered. “Everything looks fine to me.”
“I’ll be the judge of that,” the doctor snapped as he peered into Brody’s mouth.
Anger flooded through Brody’s veins, but confusion took over when he saw the doctor’s face. He had the stiff, overly-taut look of someone who’d been fighting the signs of aging. His own parents were older than this man, he was sure. Joan and Jimmy Glenwood were young wolves at heart, but they’d let their hair go gray when it was time and didn’t mind the extra lines on their faces.
Watson was quick with his exam and soon leaned back. “I don’t think there’s much to see here. Keep brushing and flossing like you’ve been, and stay away from candy and soda. Do you have any questions?”
“No.” He just wanted this prick to get the hell out of there so he could be alone with Robin again.
Dr. Watson pulled off his gloves. “Robin, did you tell Maggie to move Thaddeus Elmington’s appointment?”
Brody’s gaze snapped to Robin just in time to see her eyes harden into emeralds. “Not exactly. She and I were discussing the best way to coordinate the schedule to accommodate him without shortening the other appointments.”
“That’s not up to you. I told you what I needed you to do, and I expect it to be done,” Watson barked.
If he thought it was hard to hold his wolf back when he was near Robin, it was nearly impossible now. Brody’s muscles reacted with the speed of his animal counterpart as he launched himself into a seated position. “What the hell makes you think you can talk to her that way?”
The doctor’s eyes widened as he scooted back quickly on the stool. “Excuse me?”