Page 85 of After the Storms

I feel my forehead crease with the look I shoot his way. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Beau lights up with the thoughts roaming around in his mind, his eyes dancing as he tells me, “It’s for Lewis. I’m just excited for him.”

I unload the plates in high stacks, still not believing he hasn’t seen the message. “And he didn’t tell you what it said? I don’t buy that.”

Beau looks off in the distance, tilting his head and clucking his tongue. “It… doesn’t matter what it says. It says a bunch of boring stuff. The only thing that matters is who it’s from.”

“Ten years of this, and you and your brother are no better at explaining yourselves. I don’t possess your special twin language.” I almost drop a stack of plates, but Beau catches it and we both let out a sigh of relief.

He’s grinning from ear to ear, unable to hide his excitement about something, but I can’t get him to answer what. Sam drags a cooler inside with some other men and notices the smile on his son’s face.

“Happy Birthday, Beau,” he yells so everyone can hear, hoping to embarrass him.

It doesn’t work, and Beau yells back, “Thanks, old man.”

“Your dad has a special gift for you later,” I say as Sam shakes his head and helps them bring the cooler into the kitchen.

“I know,” Beau says.

My eyes light up with excitement. “Oh, did he give it to you already? I guess it’s a personal thing.”

“No, but I…”

“Right,” I smack my lips. “You two are impossible to surprise.”

While my gifts became strongest when we were in dire need, they faded over time. BeLew’s, on the other hand, never weakened. I’m sure I don’t know the full extent of what they’re capable of, but there isn’t a day that goes by without them simply… knowing. I can’t surprise them with a special dinner or wonder if it’s going to rain, and we certainly can’t keep a present a secret.

They always know.

“It is really special, and I’m happy to take it with us,” he says.

We finish with the plates and drag the carts back to the kitchen to collect more supplies. The room is coming together, and soon hundreds of people will crowd in here to eat their fill.

“Oh, hell. So, you are going,” I whine. I knew BeLew would want to set out on an expedition once they turned eighteen. As much as I want to keep them in a bubble forever, they’ve survived the worst of everything the world has to offer. They’re adults and both possess talents that will help them stay safe. I can’t force them to stay.

“There are people out there struggling,” Beau explains. “Every trip brings back more survivors.”

“Spare me the infomercial,” I tell him. His face twists in confusion, not understanding the reference. He hasn’t seen a television since he was six years old. “I mean, I don’t disagree. It’s just… scary. You’re my baby.”

“Morgan’s your baby,” he says.

“And soon she’ll head off,” I grumble. “Bored with this tiny little community.”

“No, she won’t.” Beau’s words are so certain, I know he’s seen this. He’s giving me a promise, and my shoulders relax with the knowledge.

“Thank you,” I sigh. “That makes me feel the tiniest bit better. Are you leaving on next month’s ship?”

“No,” Beau shakes his head. “We leave when the trees turn orange.”

I stack more plates on my cart and notice Lori listening in on our conversation. “Oddly specific, in a completely non-helpful way, son,” I complain. I see Lori nod and widen her eyes.

Beau looks around to see who’s listening. There aren’t many people in the kitchen, but Lori comes closer to hear, which then prompts Sam to walk over after he empties the cooler.

“What’s going on?” Sam asks.

“Beau was about to tell us why he’s using the foliage as a sign to leave,” Lori answers.

Sam gives a close-lipped smile and lowers his eyes. We’ve talked at length with the boys about their desire to go, so this isn’t a shock. I’m sure he wishes they would change their minds. I wrap my arm around his center, and he kisses the top of my head.