Page 68 of After the Storms

“How many do you count?” he asks.

Her small finger rises to the glass, moving it around the red figures. “At least… a hundred. At least. Maybe more. Less than one-fifty.”

“I want two-hundred men going down with me,” Dean tells her.

“There are the two elite squadrons,” she offers. “They are on day shifts, and could leave within the hour.”

“Two-hundred men from there is fine.”

“Not…” she hesitates, fearful of questioning him.

Dean smiles and reaches for her face. She jolts back but then catches herself, smiling and batting her eyelashes. He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Two hundred is a lucky number for me, you understand,” he says. “Cut some men or add them, but that’s what I want.” He curls his hand behind her head, piercing his fingers through her bun. “And I get what I want.” His lips almost touch hers while her eyes well with tears.

He’s done something to her. I can see a woman who’s been hurt and abused. There are a thousand women on this ship, but he likes a challenge, likes to break people.

“Go,” he whispers, releasing his grasp.

She takes her opportunity to turn and run out of the room, but when her hand hits the door handle, he stops her.

“The updated orders,” he says. “Read them to me.”

“Yes,” she says, fumbling with the tablet while she stands in the doorway.

“Acquisition of three individuals, A Rowan Lawson, Beau Lawson, and Lewis Lawson. Elimination of Nico Rivera also known as Samuel Lawson. Elimination of Adam Windle, also known as Eminent. Deposit of conquest team for, um… stabilization.”

I’m not surprised by her words, as terrifying as they sound. Dean would never just take me and walk away nicely. He’s here to take over, kill his enemies, and make us pay. BeLew must have had a reason for summoning him. If I could only talk to them and try to understand. Now he’s right outside our door, and I’m unconscious, unable to stop him.

He turns to the window, rolling his shoulders back. “None of those orders take place without me. Send the drones first,” he orders, and the woman takes it as permission to leave.

I step next to him, his shoulder brushing through my form, letting the hate build in my stomach.

“I’ll kill you, Dean Riggs,” I hiss into his ear. I move my mouth to the side of his face, my lips almost touching his skin. “I’m going to kill you. Do you hear me? Do you understand? I’ll cut your throat myself, bury a bullet in your brain.”

He can’t hear me as he stands smirking at the window, watching the small figures move below. It’s infuriating, knowing how powerless I am at this moment, wanting nothing more than to truly be in this room.

My fists clench at my sides, ready to strike. “I’ll kill you!” I scream at him with every bit of air left in my lungs.

He jerks and looks in my direction, not into my eyes but through me, and his hand twitches, almost reaching out.

He heard me.

Before he fades, I see his mouth move, and the slightest whisper escapes his lips.


Chapter Twenty-Five

He Sees Me

Menmovearoundme,their feet walking next to and stepping over me, but not speaking. I’m laying on the ground, my hands tied together and digging into the dirt under my back. The fire warms one side of my body, heat licking at my leg and arm.

Daring to slit open my eyes, I see nothing but red jumpsuits scurrying around, and I lay there, trying to figure out my next move.

Slower than I ever thought possible, I turn my head away from the heat and see someone with a ripped sleeve to my right. It’s Sam, still knocked out, his wrists corded behind his back.

This isn’t good.