Page 62 of After the Storms

“I trusted when you said you’d save my wife before yourself, and now you’re trying to break out to the surface without her and everyone else.”

“It’s not like that, I promise. I swear.” But I see in his eyes he’s doubting me, not believing what I know to be true, and I can’t blame him. What I’m suggesting doesn’t make sense. There’s no reason we should go up except for the boys’ premonition, but I can’t explain that at this moment.

“Luke.” Sam grabs his shoulder and looks at Alex. “You and Luke go down. Get our family. We’ll go up. Is there a way to communicate?”

“Yes,” leaves my lips at the same time Alex says, “No.” Luke slaps his face in his hands and groans.

“There’s no way to communicate, Sam,” Alex argues, ignoring my promise. “I don’t have a radio, and if I find one to steal, Adam… the Eminent, will hear us.”

“We can communicate,” I tell Sam. “If you’re with the boys.”

“That twin sense get extra creepy?” Alex clips at me. He’s picking up more than I’m saying, maybe understanding there’s something beyond him, something that helps me know everything I do.

“Yep,” Luke says. “Weird way to describe it, though.”

I can’t make out Alex’s face in the blinking red lights, but he must think we’re all insane.

“Just go,” Sam says, pulling me with him and backing up the steps. “Go, and we’ll figure it out later.”

“I’m going with or without you,” Alex says.

“Preferably withme,” Luke tells him.

They’re out of sight before I say anything more, even though there’s nothing I can do to ease Alex’s fears. I hope that’s not the last time I see him, and I force myself to turn and make my way up.

We sprint through stairwells, using muscle memory to leap up every step in the darkness.

“Wait,” Sam says, and I stop on a landing.

“How… many,” I rub the sweat from my forehead, hoping I see a number on the wall when the lights flash red. “More floors?”

“Just wait.” Sam reaches the landing and pulls me against him, his hands wrapping around my waist. Red lights blink across his features, and for a second, I let myself melt into him.

“Just wait,” he repeats, running his thumb down my cheek. “And don’t tell me we have to go or hurry, or whatever is running through your mind right now. Just take a breath, a moment with me. We may not… have many more. I don’t know.”

There’s the image, Sam’s body falling to the waters below, and I’m standing above him, unable to stop it.

“Did the boys say something to you?” I whisper.

He moves his mouth to my ear. “What? I didn’t hear you.”

I consider not saying anything, ignoring the vision, and doing everything I can to stop it from coming to pass. But he kisses my cheek, and my breath hitches, and he knows.

“What did you see?” His words tickle my skin. The steady buzz of blackness to red ticks by while I hesitate. “We’ve stopped it before. What is it?”

I wrap my arms around him, resting my head on his shoulder. “Did the boys tell you anything?” I say, loud enough to hear.

“No, but they’re overly secretive and acting like they do when you know they’re talking to each other.”

“Okay,” I sigh. “I see Dean above ground with an army of men. They disappear before I see you fall from a cliff.”

“That’s it?”

“Dean says… something about dedication meaning more than love.”

Sam chuckles, and I’m shocked to pull back and see a smile on his face.

“That fucker loves his mantras,” Sam says. “I bet he says them to himself in the mirror before bed.”