I hope.
Alex covers himself with his hands, standing like a young boy about to be weighed in for a sport. His bare ass faces the crowd, and he takes a swallow, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he stares at the ceiling.
The Eminent yanks my head back by my hair, his hot breath hitting my lips. “You think highly of yourself, rodent. Don’t interrupt the show again.”
The crowd sits on the edge of their seats, eager to watch. There are a few that sit back, unnerved by the spectacle and disinterested, but they don’t dare stop this.
It’s a woman’s voice that saves me, and my chin trembles when I hear Lori speak out, Frederick pulling her back down to her seat.
“She’s not lying. He’s insanely jealous. He’ll kill Alex for touching her.” Frederick stands, placing both hands on her shoulders, trying to push her back down. “I’m only thinking of your people. I’m sure your barter is for their benefit, and you would hate to let them down. You’re so… generous.”
I almost believe her words, pleading with him to see reason. She’s a great actress when she’s desperate, but now she’s in the Eminent’s sights as his next target. Frederick gets the upper hand, and she crashes to her seat, knocking the man next to them to the ground.
“I didn’t have a chance to tell you before I was given to Alex,” I say to the Eminent. I keep my hands on my thighs, refusing to start. “And I can explain that to him,” I offer. “Tell him you put me with a guard for my safety.”
“I don’t need your help!” the Eminent screams. The kick to my side steals the breath from my lungs, and I tumble from the podium. Sam’s on his feet, guards failing to hold him back. Another kick to my stomach, and I vomit on the floor. Alex groans above me as if the sight causes him physical pain. He wants to help but knows it will only make things worse.
“I-I’m sorry,” I sputter through the sick that trails from my lips. “I understand. I-I only want to help.”
“I’m not afraid of Dean Riggs, commencement circle member or not. This is my underground and my rules.”
His leg swings, but I jump up this time, and it grazes past my stomach and catches on my jumpsuit. Still, I clutch my middle to appear as if he’s struck me.
“P-please,” I say. “I’ll do as you command. I only wanted you to know everything about Dean Riggs before he arrived.”
The room grows quiet, everyone’s attention batting back and forth between the chaos. Lori gets free from Frederick, and I feel her at my side, breathing hard, a mist of sweat on her forehead.
“I’d be happy to oblige,” she offers. “I can entertain the guests.”
I panic, hoping the Eminent won’t ask her to take my place. Long seconds tick by, the Eminent pacing the room and rubbing his jaw. He laughs to himself a few times, smacks a few of the adherents on the side of the head, then makes his way back to the podium and wraps an arm around Alex.
He’s manic, crazed in a way only the insane would understand, and I can’t predict his next move. Alex’s torso shakes as the Eminent holds him, rocking him in a hug as if they were old friends. When he releases Alex, he spits at his feet and wipes his mouth in disgust.
“You bore me,” he finally says. He looks at all of us with disdain. “Aren’t you all bored?”
The crowd nods, agreeing, and I let out a small sigh of relief but don’t move, afraid anything, even a flicker of light could change this man’s mind.
The Eminent leans close to Alex, and hisses loud enough for the group to hear. “Probably couldn’t get it up, anyway.”
“No, your Eminency,” Alex says.
He leaves, and the lines of people follow. Lori mixes in with the crowd, yanked away by a shaken Frederick. Guards bind Sam before they drag him from the room, but he’s calmer, knowing I won’t have to perform today. The blood that dripped from his arm stopped, and before he exits, our eyes meet for a fleeting second, but long enough to signal to each other that we’re okay.
I’m still in the same spot, holding my aching stomach. Alex remains on the podium, covering his genitals with his hands. The speaker orders us to leave, and I rush over to Alex and help him dress. We are getting out of here without facilitating pornography for the adherents of the underground, and I can’t shake the shock. We leave the room, rushing after the crowd.
“That was stupid,” Alex tells me when we step inside an elevator alone. “You don’t need to protect me.”
“It wasn’t for you,” I say. “It wasn’t even for me.”
“Sam,” he nods.
“No,” I answer. “I think it was—” I shake my head. “I really think it was for Mary.”
Alex doesn’t respond, but I see him inhale a shaky breath. He takes my face in his hands and moves his forehead to mine. We breathe together, slowly and in sync, not speaking, his large hands covering my flushed cheeks. The elevator stops, the opening of the doors signaling us to separate. He takes my hand and walks us to our room.
Chapter Twenty-One