Page 47 of After the Storms

“Those in favor of hastening the uprising, raise your hands.” Almost every hand finds its way to the sky, some slower than others, but the vote is obvious. I notice Frederick and a few others keep their palms on the table.


“Those in favor of waiting, raise your hands.” Frederick and a few begrudgingly lift a weak wrist into the air, not making eye contact with anyone.

No one needs to announce the results, and Frederick rises, nodding to the men, heading for the exit. A few others walk behind him, their robes billowing with quick steps, and Frederick holds the door open for them.

The man calling the vote lifts his finger to Frederick. “You understand what being here means—”

“I won’t do anything to disrupt your plan. I’d like to go back to my room and pray.”

“Go back to your woman,” the young man pipes up. I imagine smacking him across the face since I can’t physically touch him.

“Enough.” The speaker chastises the boy and walks toward Frederick. “We’re done here tonight,” he addresses the crowd. “Tomorrow, you know where. Everyone dismissed.”

A few groups remain seated, speaking in hushed whispers to each other. There’s an air of excitement in the space. Something has shifted in these men, and their eyes dance at each other with promise.

I follow Frederick and his cohort, hoping I might get to see Lori or find an explanation about this uprising. It sounds promising, and I’m brimming with excitement at the chance to escape.

“No one expects you to feel differently. The Eminent has your daughter,” the man says to Frederick and places a hand on his shoulder.

Frederick brushes his hand away and hisses at him. “This has nothing to do with her, or with the woman in my room, or that group they brought down here. Dean Riggs is the other side of the same coin. He’ll bring death to us all.”

“You fear change,” the man offers. “That is normal. Expected after years in this place and all we have been through.”

“The Riggs family was part of the commencement circle,” Frederick announces.

The man’s eyes widen. “W-well, so were many Eminents,” he stutters, clearly bothered by the newfound facts.

“But not Adam?” Frederick bites back. “You think that psychopath—”

“Lower your voice,” he warns.

Frederick pushes him on his shoulders, slamming him against the wall, and those left in the room grow quiet. The youth returns to Frederick’s face, eyes wild with rage and frustration.

“That psychopath—” he repeats, “—will not stand for a challenger in his fortress. He thinks he’s getting something from Dean, but that man will come down here with a fucking army and kill everything in his path to take control. If you think an uprising will succeed against Dean Riggs, you’re a fool. I suggest when he wins, and I think he will, you kneel and pretend to be a humble follower.”

The man raises his hands in surrender and takes a step closer to Frederick. “Most of what was said about the commencement circle is propaganda, rumors. Exaggerations to scare people.”

“Followers think they’re gods,” Frederick says. “They started this religion, and the rise to power has been madness. Hundreds of thousands dead without a hand from mother nature, just the order of that circle. There are still people down here that knew of the Riggs family, and they’ll know which side to take.” He points his shaking finger at the man. “And Dean Riggs is the only one left I know of. The only member still alive. You want to take your chances fighting Adam? You’re not thinking of the real battle coming this way. Adam’snothingcompared to what’s coming.”

Chapter Seventeen


Nothingelsecomesinthe night. The men fade away after Frederick’s threats, and I’m opening my eyes to the sound of Alex pacing around the room moments later. An entire night has passed, but it feels like I lay down only moments ago.

“What’s today?” I nod my head at the tablet in Alex’s hands. He’s pacing, a worried expression on his face. “And what’s wrong?”

“I’m patrolling the reparation project,” Alex answers and tosses the tablet onto the couch. “Then we meet with the Eminent.”

My pulse quickens and I’m dizzy, still trying to wake up. “Already?” I ask. “What for? Do you think…”

“I don’t know what to think.” He raises his hands to his hips. “And um, Luke’s assignment changed from medical to restoration. He’s on the new worker registry.”

My eyes widen when my feet hit the floor. “Wait, is restoration the cave in?”

“Yeah.” Alex laughs to himself, but it’s full of spite. “That motherfucker is so heinous. He’s probably got Frederick running down there too, hoping there will be some kind of show while we’re all trapped in the same space for hours. I can see him sitting behind a camera with Mary.”