Page 27 of After the Storms

I thank him and gulp it down, but before he turns back to the couch, I grab him by the arm. His muscles flex underneath my grip, and I notice how strong he feels. “A few questions first?” I beg, releasing him.

He grunts and shakes his head. “I need sleep.”

It’s the middle of the night and his defenses are down, so I’m hoping he’ll give up if I keep pressing. I’m also aware we’re alone together in a dark room, and as nice as he’s been, he’s a man with a woman in his bed. It has to be a little enticing.

“Please lay down,” I say. “I’ll take the couch for the rest of the night if you insist, but please.”

He says no but crawls to the other side of the bed, burying his head into the free pillow.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” He mocks me.

“Not hardly,” I admit.

“My access is limited,” he explains. “I’m hired muscle, nothing more.”

“You’re able to get around, get to my family.”

He ignores the comment, settling himself into the bed.

“Alexander?” I prod at his side and he grunts. He’s warm to the touch, and there’s a part of me that has to admit I like him next to me. I don’t want to do anything sexual with him, but he’s comforting in a way I can’t describe.

“Go on,” he relents.

Curling my legs to my chest, I look around the room and back down to the scar on my arm. I want to be careful with what I ask. Alexander doesn’t trust anyone, but we’re together by the Eminent’s mercy, and that makes us a team… of sorts.

“Why am I with you?” I ask. “In your room. Does he know you branded me? Does this make me your… property?”

Alexander rolls over on his back and huffs. “That’s three questions.”

“They’re in the same family,” I argue.

He turns his head to look at me, and I can make out his frown even in the dark. “Adam… his eminency, suspects I gave you the brand, but he’s not sure. He probably doesn’t care now.”

“But he would… before?” I ask.

Alexander nods, rubbing his head with both hands. “Unbranded, you’re murdered on the spot, so I didn’t have a choice.”

I promised he could have the bed to himself, but I’m cold, even shaking a little. I dip my legs under the covers and pull them up to my chin, confident he won’t ask me to leave. “And now he can play his games?” I add.

“You’re catching on,” Alexander smirks. “You’re a welcome distraction for him. For all of them. Something else that draws his attention so they live another day.”

“Doesn’t he have a bunch of concubines?” I huff. “That should keep him occupied.”

“That’s why you’re with me,” Alexander mutters.

“What?” I sit up on my elbow, squinting down at him. “What was that?” I jab him in the shoulder, knowing what I heard. “I won’t be in your concubine,” I huff. “I’d rather be dead.”

“Thanks,” Alexander swats my hand away. “I don’t have a damn concubine. His collection of women is why you’re here. It’s complicated.”

“Isn’t everything,” I agree. “But I’m listening.”

“It’s three in the morning, Rowan,” he whines. “Can we do this later?”

“Just answer this, and I’ll leave you alone,” I promise.

“Fine, but don’t interrupt me with more questions,” he says. “And don’t lie.”

“Lie?” I resist striking him again. “I don’t lie.”