Page 48 of After the Storms

I don’t want Alex hurting, but this means another chance to see Sam, and Luke could be there. It’s almost too lucky. “We can handle it,” I promise, grabbing some clean clothes and stepping into the bathroom. I frown at the space that used to be a mirror. “It’s not Sam and Luke you need to worry about.”

“You’re an expert on the politics down here, are you?”

“I’m an expert on my family,” I bite back. “We need to focus on the goal.”

“What is that?” Alex shoots me a glare.

I take in a breath, knowing he wants what I do, an escape, freedom from this place and the Eminent now that the storms have passed. This uprising may be the key, but I don’t have a way to explain that to him without sounding insane. “Is there anything on that tablet about the mortuary crew?”

“Yeah, it’s this week. They haven’t listed who’s going.” Alex sits on the couch and closes the tablet, leaning back against the fabric with a huff. “I doubt I’ll be assigned to it. I can’t be trusted outside. I brought strays back last time.”

“You mean rats?” I smirk.

My hand reaches for the shower, but I stop, a question suddenly burdening my thoughts. “Alex, what caused the cave in? You made it sound like…”

There’s no answer, and I place a towel to the side and step out of the bathroom. He’s still sitting on the couch with his head tilted back and eyes closed.

“How was there a cave in? They had billions of dollars to build this place. I tried to find something on your tablet but it’saccess deniedevery time I click.”

“I heard your question,” he groans.

“And?” I tap my foot.

Alex slaps his hands on his thighs. “Well, let’s just say the mortuary is full, and it’s not the cave in that killed them… directly.”

“A revolt?” I ask, thinking of the faces the night before, adherents that didn’t seem in line with staying down here under the Eminent’s thumb. They talked about risking it all, and it seems it isn’t the first time.

Alex nods. “They were trying to tunnel out for years. But that’s not public knowledge. Or, if it is, no one’s brave enough to talk about it.”

“I’m sure people know, but they’re scared to bring it up,” I agree.

“Right. Anyway, the Eminent found out who was involved. Only two people died in the cave in, but he killed hundreds of others.”

“Hundreds,” I gasp. “That many people went against him?”

“No,” Alex snorts. “That’s just who he killed during his rampage. Then he ordered the cave in get fixed immediately. It’s not even that bad. It just had a small structure breach, and they were found out. The only reason Sam is on the team is because the Eminent thinks he can close it up, and he killed a bunch of the engineers when they failed.”

Close it up?

I step over to Alex and crouch down while he sits forward, scratching his stubble.

“How far did they get?” I question.

Alex rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “I knew you’d ask that.”

“How far?”

“From what I understand, Row… pretty damn close.”

Sam knows better than to react when we see him, but the words he left me with still invade my thoughts. He’s accepted that we need to do what it takes to keep the family safe, and when he sees me with Alex, he’ll understand.

Luke will show himself around here somewhere, and I’m happy to see him, too, even if I can’t properly greet him. It’s not the same as a dream. That image of my family feels so far away, and there’s a sharp pain in my heart when I think of them.

I focus on thoughts of the escape tunnel only steps away. We get off the elevator to the sound of machinery and grinding, and I cover my ears, thinking it might be our chance if I learn enough about it.

“Do you think…” I take in a deep breath, noticing Alex’s face furrows more with every step. “That we could pass by the kids at some point. The school and nursery.”

He shakes his head. “It’s too risky right now. We can’t disobey.”