“You're welcome.”
I knew he couldn’t stay angry any longer as his lips twitched before forming a definite grin.
“How very thoughtful indeed.”
“Whoa!” I shouted out when he swept me up into his arms and turned to my parents who were having their own flirty conversation.
“If you'll excuse us, I believe it's time I get my wife to…”
“Yes, yes, she's still my daughter, Luc, which means I don't want to hear any statement that ends with the word bed,” my father said, flicking his hand out as if hoping we would leave before any more mental images infected his mind. He already had one memory he had no doubt tried very hard to forget, we didn’t want to give him any reminders of it.
“In that case, we will simply say good night,” Lucius said with a bow of his head, making me shout just as we walked through the door,
“…and go to bed!” I could hear my mum’s laughter after I had teased my father, chuckling when I heard him groan. However, it was when we were walking down the corridor that Lucius also joined in this merriment and chuckled, making me ask,
“And just what do you find so amusing, Mr Septimus?”
“Your father is currently blaming your mother for your inherited humour.” I laughed.
“But of course he would… sucks that your hearing is better than mine,” I muttered, grumbling and making him grin down at me. Then he continued to carry me to bed just like he said he would and for one of us, it would be the last time in I don't know how long. Which was why as soon as he stepped through my door, I placed my palm to his cheek and whispered,
“Make love to me.”He seemed taken aback a moment but whatever his thoughts were on this request, he kept them silenced so that he could grant my wish. Meaning this was also the sweetest torture as he laid me down and slowly stripped me of my clothes, his actions now gentle and tender.
And were exactly what I needed in that moment.
Which was also why after we had finished making love, finding our joint release while looking into each other’s eyes, I had to fight my tears when he placed his forehead to mine and whispered,
“Merry Christmas, my wife.”
That night I had gone to sleep silently crying, being careful not to wake Lucius with my tears. I let the guilt carry me through the night knowing that in only a few hours, I would be leaving him, and I didn’t even know for how long. I hated having to do this to him, knowing he would find out as soon as I got back. Because I would have never been able to keep such a thing from him.
But our time apart for him would only seem like minutes whereas for me, well… like I said,I just didn’t know.So, what he hadn’t known when saying goodnight to him and telling him I loved him, just like I did every night, was actually also my…
Painful goodbye.
* * *
A little timelater and when it was still dark out, I took one last look at Lucius, resisting the urge to reach out and touch him. Resisting the urge to place my lips to his for one last kiss. But I couldn’t dare chance it, so I slipped out of bed, knowing the others would be doing the same. We decided this was the only opportunity we would likely have and if caught, we could just say that we were going to get a drink of water or something.
We were to meet back in the library and so as Lucius didn’t stir, I gathered up my clothes and stepped out, getting changed in the hallway. Thankfully, it was empty, or someone might have wondered why I was naked and slowly putting my jeans on like I was expecting my clothes to start biting me or something.
I then hurried to the library, meeting my mother on the way. She was also wearing a pair of jeans and a long-sleeve black T-shirt, just like I was. Although we had managed to make some plans last night, one of which was what we would wear and what we could get away with taking. Naturally, Pip and Sophia had been on costume duty, seeing as we didn’t have anything suitable for where, or should I say when, we were going.
“I am starting to think this really is Fated as your father never sleeps this deep,” my mother said, voicing her fears that she thought she was going to get caught. I then patted her hand in silent encouragement, knowing that all four of us were going to find this part hard. The guilt weighed on us all.
“Let’s go,” I said, opening the door and finding Pip and Sophia already inside.
“I just hope good old Fatey man is feeling generous with what we are allowed to take through,” Pip said, throwing a long gown around her shoulders and adding a black wig to cover up her green and red hair, which she had dyed specially for Christmas day.
“That reminds me, I found a pair of your extra glasses, although the prescription might be a bit weaker but hopefully you don’t need them and here’s an unopen pack of contacts, with your case and a bottle of solution and…” I laughed before taking the stuff from her,
“Mum, it’s okay, my eyes are fine now, remember?” This was when my mum gave me a strange look and said,
“Please, just take them, okay? It’s just in case.” I nodded knowing it would make her feel better, so I created a bundle with the dress Pip handed me, placing the stuff inside and now using it as a bag after tying the sleeves.
“Here, I brought us these… okay so they were left over from last year’s Halloween party, but they will help us fit in and fight off the weather…wherever we end up,”Sophia said, muttering this last part, and my mum gave her wry look in return as she took two of the long black cloaks that were hooded and made from thick polyester with a satin lining. Meaning Sophia was right, they would work well to keep us hidden and against whatever weather we might encounter.
Pip and Sophia put on theirs and we started to look like we about to join some cult.