Page 63 of Catalyst

“Would you believe I miss the sound of your voice?” I joked and laughed again.

He sighed. “What kind of trouble have you got yourself in now?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Well, you have my attention.” I heard a seat groaning as he sat down and the rustle of papers.

“Okay. I need three passports. I can email you a picture and a name for the one, but the others don’t matter what name or what picture you use.”

He paused, and there was scribbling. “Right. And how soon do you need them?”


He coughed. “Yeah, that’s not a cheap ask. You got the money?”

“However much you need. It’s ready to go as soon as you tell me this is done.”

“All righty then.”

I rubbed my neck nervously. “Um, before you go, I don’t suppose you know how to get a body on a plane to Sweden?”

“Boy, that is the most fucked-up thing I’ve ever been asked.” I heard his grin on the other side of the phone. “Lucky for you, I know a guy.”

I sighed, relieved. “You’re a fucking legend, Adam. Thanks for this.”

“Right, I’ll text you this guy’s number now and let you know when I’ve got your passports ready.” I opened my mouth to thank him again and sign off, but he continued, his tone a little sadder. “Oh, and Charlie, I don’t know if you heard, but Arthur Cartwright went missing last week. Presumed dead. Just thought I’d let you know.”

I gasped. “Artie? What the fuck happened?”

“Nothing, as far as I know. He just disappeared. Don’t know if it was due to a job going wrong or if it’s all this other shit about people randomly disappearing.”

I sat down on my desk, shocked. “Artie was careful. He wouldn’t have—”

“I know. Whatever is causing these disappearances, I think it got him.”


“People are talking about alien abductions. That aliens are the only way there could be mass abductions like this.”

Adam wasn’t a conspiracy theorist. “Who’s saying this?”

“Everyone. Witnesses have seen flashes of blue light before someone disappeared.” He paused.

Aliens? Blue flashes?

“Anyway, I thought you should know.”

The mystery of it tugged at me. I wanted to find out the truth, but I had other priorities.

I shook my head free of thoughts and said, “Yeah, thanks for telling me. And for the quick order.”

“I’ll be in touch when they’re ready. You look after yourself, Charlie. Try to stay out of trouble.”

“I’ll try,” I told him. But I had a feeling it was already too late for that.