Page 20 of Vampire's Bite

They both watched as I unlocked my phone and found Rook’s name in my contact list. Milo snatched the phone back before I could do anything like call for help. As he did, Jonathon took the opportunity to try and play nice, which I wasn't particularly in the mood for. All I wanted was to be reunited with Rook.

Jonathon cleared his throat before looking in my general direction, though not directly at me. "I'm sorry for Massimo's abhorrent behavior earlier. Milo explained that he took advantage of the situation and was a bit, how should I put this?” He tapped his fingertip against his chin. “We’ll call it overzealous?” He didn’t seem upset over the violent attack. “He's been asked to leave the property because of his actions."

Wow. They’d actually forced him to leave? I wondered at that. He had to be their hired gun, the guy who provided the muscle and speed to their cause. They would need stronger than a hunter to take down Rook if that was their true goal.

"Which property?" I casually asked like it didn’t matter to me, hoping they'd accidentally tell me the exact location of the building. Milo and Jonathon just ignored me and changed the subject.

"You need to nonchalantly arrange to meet with Rook for an understandable reason. Something he would expect and somewhere that would get him alone," Jonathon explained as he looked at Milo, like the little asshole was the one making the phone call and not me. Maybe he was genuinely worried that he'd be infected by my sinful ways just by making eye contact with me.

"Alright. I can do that." I responded trying to keep myself calm. It wasn't like I had any pertinent information to relay to Rook, and he already knew I'd been taken. Milo glanced between me and Jonathon who nodded at the younger man in encouragement. Reluctantly, Milo handed me the phone, though I practically had to pull it from his grasp.

I took a cleansing breath to calm my nerves, looked down at the screen, and hit the green call button.

Rook's phone started ringing. "Hello?" he answered, after only two rings, acting as if he hadn't just given me an orgasm while transferring some energy to me.

"Rook, it's Cordie. Listen, I'm okay, I just wanted to set up a time for our next feeding." Surely, he could tell that I was being forced to make the call. I glanced at Milo. “Somewhere private.”

He paused and for a second I thought he was going to make me repeat it. "Alright, how about seven o'clock at the Windsor building downtown?" he suggested.

Jonathon shook his head before tapping his watch and pointing at a different time. Then, he brought up the name of a building on his phone.

"Oh, no. I don't think that'll work for me! Sorry," I lied. "How about eight o'clock at 4782 Carpenter Street?"

"Umm." Rook sounded confused and I hoped he knew this was a set-up. I wouldn’t be able to stand it if he walked into this place and something happened to him after all we’d been through. "Alright. That's fine. I'm not familiar with the building, but I doubt it will be hard to find."

Wow, he had agreed without much hesitation, which made me worry. But on the other hand, maybe he didn’t argue because he sensed what was going on. He had to have some idea if he wasn't asking where I was or if I was okay after the energy transfer.

"Great. I'll see you then." I paused, trying to think of something else to add to keep the conversation going longer. Before I could say another word, Milo snatched the phone out of my hand with lightning fast speed and hung up.

I watched as the two men walked out, taking my phone with them and slamming the door as they left. I was alone again, which was its own twisted form of torture, but I was also glad that they weren't forcing me to spend additional time with them.

Both of them clearly hated me and I wasn't exactly a fan of theirs, but I felt more like an experiment or a bug under a microscope than a human when the two of them were around. Plus, I knew if they stuck around there would be questions and accusations. I didn't want to answer any questions about vampires and I certainly didn't want to listen to them rebuke me for my choices.

There was nothing else I could do, so I tried to sleep again. If I could fall into a deep enough sleep, maybe I could warn Rook that it was all a setup. Not that I thought he was stupid enough to believe that I suddenly called, ready for another feeding when he already knew I'd been kidnapped and almost drained dry by Massimo. That much alone would be enough to raise a red flag with him and Cross.

Still, I wanted to give him explicit details so that he and Cross could prepare accordingly. Or at least I wished I could. I wasn't sure exactly what I could tell him, but there had to be something. Maybe I could describe Jonathon so he knew who the leader was?

The other thing I wanted him to know was that there were more than just a couple of them. I thought back to the group that had surrounded me in the alley and wanted to make sure that Rook and Cross were prepared to fight a crowd.

Who knew what these deranged vampire hunters had prepared? If they truly wanted to completely eradicate the entire vampire race, they had probably spent years formulating a plan to do so.

The other big concern I had was the fact that Massimo had been banned from the property, while it was good for me, it meant that he could pose an additional threat to Rook. The asshole had drank my blood and come back for more, clearly he liked it enough to almost kill me, so there was nothing to say he wouldn't go after Rook by himself to try and secure me as his feeder.

There was no way to guess Massimo's agenda or how he planned to carry it out, but there was most certainly something up his sleeve and undoubtedly when it came down to it he would betray the vampire hunters the same way he'd betrayed Rook. I just wish I could figure out what Massimo's end goal was, but I didn't know enough about vampire society to guess.

I doubted he actually wanted to cleanse the world of vampires though, and I knew without a doubt that he would never voluntarily walk into the sun or let a hunter stake him.

It was up to me to warn Rook, and there was only one way to achieve that goal. Sleep. Which of course meant that it was being elusive.

I wrestled with finding a comfortable position on the cot, but it was difficult, especially when the scent of my own blood wafted up to me occasionally. Hunger gnawed at me, alternating with nausea, which was another thing making it difficult to sleep.

If I could just relax enough then I knew sleep would come, but how was I supposed to relax in a building filled with people who would rather see me dead than eat another meal.

The thought I'd been avoiding burst into my mind. If they were somehow, against all odds, successful in murdering Rook then I would be next. If they won then I'd never go home, never see Gran, never eat another meal, maybe even never breathe clean air again. That thought was what finally broke me.

I kept telling myself Rook would win, but what if he didn't? Would I just become a juice box for Massimo? Or would I be killed outright?

The tears began to fall and suddenly I was sobbing into the cot, trying to muffle the sounds so no one came to investigate, not that I really thought they would. I was alone, and if Rook and Cross lost their lives because of me then I wasn't sure I'd be able to live with myself, if the hunters would even let me.