Page 25 of Frost Wolf

“I don’t have coverage here,” Karl said. I was slightly irritated by his voice.

He walked towards me and sat on the ground next to me. “Wanna see?”


His arm moved over my shoulders as he leaned forward. “See?”

He showed me a picture of some dark stuff on the ground.

“I don’t know,” I said. “It could be dirt. How do you know it’s blood?”

“I took a sample. I’ll analyze it and see if it’s the same stuff as the blood I got from the victims.”

Karl leaned closer. His nose nuzzled the side of my head, and he inhaled deeply. His long, creepy fingers pressed into my shoulder, attempting to massage me.

“Have I told you that the blood from the victims was not human either? And their organs were... weird.”

“What do you mean by weird?” I asked. I tried to stand up because his lips moved closer to me.

“Stay, Yana,” Karl yelled as I tried to pull away.

“Karl, I—”

He moved fast. His other arm wrapped around me, and his face moved close to mine.

“Yana, we’re such a good match. We both work in the hospital. We enjoy our work. We’re the same age, and we’re divorced. We deserve a shot in life. We deserve to be happy.”

“We’re friends, Karl. Just friends.”

Karl pressed his wet lips against my mouth. I reacted. It was all I could do. My right fist landed against his belly. Karl landed on his back. I took a few self-defense classes in Chicago. I often walked around alone at night after my shift, and things happened. I had no interest in becoming a statistic.

“You’re not going to do that to me ever again!”

“You’re a bitch and a cock tease.”

I slapped him. Hard.

“If you call me names one more time, you won’t be able to eat solids for a month. Do you understand?”

Karl jumped up from the ground and threw me a dark look. “Fine, you can find your own way back to town.”

He walked away.

“You know what, fucker? I don’t care!” He was so wrong if he imagined I would run after him, trying to make him stay or begging him to drive me home.

Karl left. I walked toward the banister and climbed over it. The slope was covered with rocks. I put my feet where I remembered I should put them. I was able to remember the path that led to the river. It was like a stairway to the river I could find with closed eyes.

My body burned with rage. Why do all men need to be such assholes?

Even though I was foaming with anger, and it was all directed toward Karl, I dreamed of Soren. Images of him floated around my mind. His tattoos. The way he spoke, elegant and with an accent I couldn’t place. His lips. The way his full lower lip looked so darn kissable.

The river was the same as I remembered. Time was of no essence. It was always the same. The solitude and roaring waters didn’t scare me. It made me feel better, more secure than I felt when my so-called friend was sitting next to me, trying to climb on top of me against my will and calling me a bitch.

The first stone I picked up made no audible noise as I threw it into the wild waters of the ice-cold river.

I heard the engine of Karl’s car roaring in the distance. The son of a bitch actually left me.

“Fuck. I should have beaten him up and taken his car.”