Page 70 of Royal Rebel

I’ll find you,he promised. He could keep her safe. From his father, and from Grayson.

He moved toward the door, but the sketchbook on the desk snared his attention. He picked it up, fingering the edge. After a brief hesitation, he yanked open the bedroom door. One of his men in the hall straightened sharply.

“I want every sketchbook and painting in this room moved to mine,” he said, his voice clipped. “Everything of hers. See it done.”

“Yes, sir.”

Tyrell strode to his room, the sketchbook still in his hands. Once he was in the privacy of his suite, he thumbed the book open. Almost immediately, he spotted the folded piece of paper just inside the cover.

His heart stopped. He unfolded the page and moved to the nearest window so he could read it by the light of the moon.


I know you’re going to be hurt when you read this, and I’m sorry for that. But there are things I need to say. Things I couldn’t say when I was telling you goodbye.

I need to thank you. When you first came to visit me after Grayson left for Mortise, I was filled with so much dread. But you were a gift, even though that’s not what your father intended. Thank you for your kindness. For everything you gave me. I couldn’t take all your gifts with me, but I will always treasure the black queen you made, just as I will always treasure our friendship.

I know I didn’t give you everything you wanted. I certainly didn’t give you what you deserve. I hope, one day, you find someone worthy of your love. Someone who can give you her whole heart. For now, please know that you will forever hold a piece of mine.

I hate to leave you here. I wanted you to come with me. Maybe someday you will leave your family and Ryden behind. If you do, please come find me. I’ll be so happy to see you again.

You are good, Tyrell. Don’t let your father or anyone else—including yourself—convince you otherwise.

I pray that the fates watch over you.

My love always,


Tyrell’s eyes burned. Mia’s handwriting swam as his vision hazed. Her words echoed so deeply inside him, he knew he’d never be free of them.

I was telling you goodbye.

This morning, that’s what she’d been doing. When she’d held him . . . Fates, he hadn’t realized. If he had, he never would have let her go.

I hope, one day, you find someone worthy of your love.

You,he thought desperately.There can only be you.

I wanted you to come with me.

Even if that didn’t tell him everything, he knew what it meant. She’d wanted him. She’d asked Grayson if Tyrell could come, and he’d said no.

Tyrell’s hands shook.

Would he have gone? If Mia had asked him to leave with her, would he have said yes?

They’d never know, because she hadn’t asked. Grayson hadn’tlether.

Something in his chest clenched, too many emotions tangling in his throat.

You are good, Tyrell.

He didn’t know what he was in this moment, but it wasn’tgood.

He wanted to rip Grayson apart. For keeping Mia away from him. Fortakingher away. He’d endangered her. He was out of his mind, and Tyrell needed to stop him. Grayson couldn’t be allowed to hurt Mia ever again.

My love always . . .