Page 63 of Royal Rebel

Desfan’s spine went rigid. “What about him?”

She quickly explained about Clare’s brothers; the fire, and their suspicions that it may not have been an accident. She didn’t accuse her brother or the Hunt outright, but she implied someone at the castle may have had a hand in it. Desfan listened intently, not interrupting—even when she brought up Clare’s reasons for wanting to send Latif.

When she’d finished, the serjan pushed back from his desk and stood, pacing toward the window. One hand raked through his dark curls, but he said nothing.

Serene remained silent, letting him think.

After a long pause, he twisted back to face her. “I’m sorry for Clare’s loss. It’s one that I unfortunately know well.”

“And Latif had a hand in that,” Serene said quietly.

The skin around Desfan’s eyes tensed. “The man helped take my sister from me. He may have been following orders, but he did it all the same. Even when he came to my father, he didn’t tell him the truth—that his employer had sold Meerah to King Henri. He just said there were rumors she might have survived the shipwreck. He was a coward. And his cowardice cost my sister—and my father and me—greatly.”

“I know,” she repeated. “But Clare says he seeks redemption.”

“He deserves a noose.”

Serene didn’t respond, just let him process her request. She knew she was asking a lot. Too much, maybe.

Desfan blew out a hard breath, but his voice was surprisingly soft as he said, “I haven’t actually determined his punishment. I thought I’d decide once Meerah returned.”

“You wanted to wait for her opinion?”

He grunted. “That would be the more noble thing. But no, I wanted to wait and look in her eyes. Talk to her.Knowher pain. Then I would know how much pain should accompany Latif’s death.” He reclined back against the wall, his arms crossing over his chest. His expression was suddenly distant. “When Mia was maybe four or five years old, she found a spider in her room.”

Serene didn’t know why Desfan was telling this story, but she listened intently.

“She screamed so loudly,” he recalled. “And she just kept screaming. Everyone came running; guards, servants, my parents—me as well. Tahlyah was already with her. And that’s actually what had made her scream so long and hard. Meerah’s first scream was because the spider scared her. The others were because she didn’t want Tahlyah to kill it.”

Serene just watched him, saying nothing.

Finally, Desfan shook his head. “Unless my sister is much changed, she wouldn’t want Latif to die. No matter the part he played in her fate.” He met Serene’s gaze. “If he is the only one Clare trusts to bring her the truth about what happened to her family, I will not keep her from the peace she might gain. Even if I’d rather keep Latif in a cell for the rest of his life.”

“You’ll pardon him, then?”

“Not exactly. Very few know his role in things, so I can avoid a formal trial. I will release him from prison if he’ll do this for Clare. But when his mission is complete, he’ll be banished from Mortise. That will be his punishment.”

Serene rose and walked to him. “Thank you, Desfan. You’re a good man. Far better than I once gave you credit for.”

The corner of his mouth twitched. “I’ve never excelled at first impressions.”

She smiled a little, stopping a pace away from him. “Yes, well, your reputation wasn’t exactly spotless.”

“No,” he agreed. “For what it’s worth, Serene, you’ve exceeded my expectations as well.”

That settled a nice warmth in her chest. “If we do marry, I think we’ll at least be friends.”

Desfan took her hand. “Agreed. And if we don’t marry, we will also be friends.”

Serene squeezed his hand. “If everything works out as we wish and you’re free to pursue Imara . . . will you?”

A light entered his eyes. “Yes.”

This time, her smile was wide. “Good.”

Chapter 14
