Page 202 of Royal Rebel

She was simply desperate.

Tyrell tugged an empty chair forward, angled it toward her, then sat. “You should eat. You look half-starved.”

She didn’t touch the spoon. Her stomach gnawed painfully, but she couldn’t make herself eat. She stared at him, forcing her voice to remain strong. “You can’t take me back.”

A furrow grew between his dark brows. “Of course I have to take you back. My father’s been tearing Ryden apart looking for you. If I hadn’t found you first . . .” He swallowed hard, then gestured to the bowl with his chin. “Please eat.”

She kept her arms folded across her chest. “I’m not hungry.”

The lie was blatant; especially when her stomach growled loudly.

Tyrell’s expression tightened. “Did he hurt you?”

“No. Grayson would never hurt me.”

“He endangered you, Mia. He never should have taken you.”

“He didn’ttakeme. Hesavedme.”

“He abducted you.”

Her eyes narrowed. “No. Your father did that to me when I was nothing more than a child, and you want to take me back to him. You want him to cage me again.”

“I don’t want to cage you,” he gritted out. “I’m taking you back to the castle so you’ll be safe. You’ll be under my protection.” He leaned forward, his elbows on his thighs. “You won’t be punished for any of this—my father gave his word on that. And as soon as the war is won, I’ll take you home to Mortise.”

“After you conquer it.”

A muscle ticked in his cheek. “I don’t want to argue about this.”

“Then let me go.”

He ignored that. “Where is Grayson?”

When she said nothing, Tyrell muttered a curse. “He’s a murderer. He killed Carter.” His eyes darkened. “He killed Devon.”

Shock blasted her, making her mouth drop open. “What? Grayson didn’t kill Devon!”

Tyrell’s expression didn’t change. “Even if he didn’t kill him directly, Grayson’s arrogance and idiocy got Devon killed. And unless you stay away from him, he’s going to get you killed, too.”

Mia only shook her head. She had no response for that—any of it.

Tyrell reached out, his fingers stretching for her cheek.

She jerked back.

He couldn’t hide his flinch, though it was quickly smothered. His hand lowered, turning into a fist as it fell. “You tried to tell me goodbye,” he whispered. “I’ve relived that conversation so many times . . . You didn’t want to leave me.”

She pursed her lips, regret heavy in her tone. “I didn’t want to leave my friend. But it seems he’s gone.”

Tyrell drew back. “I love you,” he said, his voice low and thick. “That hasn’t changed. It willneverchange.”

“If you truly love me, you’ll let me go.”

“You said you loved me. In your letter.”

The vulnerability that flashed in his eyes cut her, and despite everything, her heart ached. “Yes. And I didn’t want to leave you there. That castle is a prison for you, just as much as it was for me.” She leaned toward him. “You don’t have to go back, Tyrell. Come with us.”

An emotion she couldn’t name darted across his face. “There’s nowhere else I belong.”