Page 196 of Royal Rebel

They ambled closer to the gate, Grayson’s grip on the reins tight. Their horse shifted a bit restlessly. Or maybe he was nervous.

Mia kept her voice low as she asked, “Is it normal for Porynth to be so crowded?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never been here. But something doesn’t feel right.” Grayson suddenly tensed against her back. “They’re searching everyone at the gate.”

Mia craned her neck, hoping to see the still-distant gate. The crowds were so thick, she couldn’t see much of anything. But she began to hear the whispers around them.

“That’swhat holding up the line?”

“They’re looking for a scarred man traveling with a woman.”

“Are they criminals?”

“The right side of his face will be burned . . .”

Mia’s heartbeat quickened. “Is there another gate?” she asked Grayson.

“Yes,” he answered quietly. “But there will be guards at every one.”

She glanced over her shoulder at him, urgency tightening her words. “We need to leave. We can find another way to Mortise.”

His mouth was a firm line. “If Zadir is still in port, he’s our fastest and safest way to Duvan. We need to get to that ship.”


He studied the high stone wall. “It will be dark soon. We could scale the wall and avoid the patrols.”

Her stomach pitched. “Grayson, I can’t climb that wall.” She wasn’t strong enough for such an endeavor.

He frowned, clearly realizing she was right. “I can take you back to the treeline. You can hide there while I sneak in and see if Zadir is even still here.”

Concern bloomed. “You’d have to sneak back out to tell me.”

“I can do it.”

She was sure he could, but it increased the risks he was taking by making him climb that wall twice. She exhaled slowly. “If I go alone, I can get through the gate.”

His eyes narrowed. “No.”

“They’re looking for both of us together,” she pointed out. “And it doesn’t sound like they have a description of me. They’d let me in.”

“Mia, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

She made sure to keep her words muted. “We don’t have time to argue. Besides, we’re close enough to the front of the line that I think the soldiers would notice if we suddenly rode off.”

His expression soured. Obviously, he hadn’t thought about that.

Mia set a hand on his arm, which was wrapped loosely around her. “I’ll be fine. You can disappear into the crowd, I’ll go through the gate, and we’ll meet at the harbor. Or we can find another way to Duvan,” she added, rather hoping he’d take that option.

Grayson stared down at her, his jaw working as he debated. She knew what he’d choose, though—fates knew he wanted them on that ship.

He exhaled sharply, muttering a curse. “I’ll watch and make sure you get past the guards. Once you’re in the city, keep your head down and make your way to the harbor. Find theSeafire, and ask to speak withSyed Zadir.”

Nerves danced inside her, but she nodded.

Tension lined Grayson’s features, and she could see the anxiety in his gaze. “If the ship isn’t there,” he said. “Find a crowded tavern nearby and wait for me. I’ll find you.”

“I’ll be all right,” she said, gently rubbing his arm. “And I have my knife.”