Page 161 of Royal Rebel

“True,” Desfan said to Karim, his response pulling Imara back into the conversation at hand. “But in all fairness, wedidshow up uninvited.” He lifted the note. “He’s asking for us this time. He even saidplease.”

“How exactly does him luring us to an alley in the middle of the night make things better?” Karim demanded.

Desfan shrugged. “It’s different, at least.”

Karim muttered something under his breath.

Imara frowned. “If Fang knows you won’t trust him, why did he sign the note? Wouldn’t you be more likely to show up if you didn’t know who sent it?”

“That’s a good point,” Desfan murmured, his gaze thoughtful. “If he meant me harm, he probably would have left his name out of it.”

“Maybe he’s an idiot,” Karim said. “Or arrogant enough that he doesn’t think he’ll get caught.”

Desfan shook his head slightly. “He successfully vanished from our attention after the failed ransom. Why show himself now? He must have a reason. A strong enough one to risk revealing his name, and calling a meeting with me. Not just that, but he’s chosen a place outside his usual domains—not his warehouses or the Red Cobra, his favorite haunt.”

“Fang can’t be trusted,” Karim said shortly. “He’s proven that. He probably sent this note thinking he can lure you out by exploiting your insatiable curiosity. It’s a trap, and it’s too dangerous for you to go.”

“He’s right, Desfan,” Razan said. “You can’t risk going to this meeting.” Her shoulders went back. “But I can.”

Karim’s face went red. He spun on her. “Absolutely not.”

She folded her arms across her chest, her expression mild. “I don’t know this Fang, other than by reputation. I’m curious as to why he wants to meet me.”

“Fates blast it,” Karim growled. “You’re not going.”

“You have no right to dictate to me,” Razan shot back, suddenly less calm. “You’ve made that perfectlyclear the last few days.”

Karim’s eyes narrowed. “You’re not going. That’s the end of this discussion.”

“It’s really not,” Desfan said. “I’m serjan. And I say the three of us are going—with guards nearby to assist, if the need arises.”

Karim threw his hands in the air. “You’re both reckless idiots!” He twisted toward Imara. “You can’t think it’s a good idea.”

She winced. “It’s not aterribleidea.”

Karim cursed again.

Fates, she’d never heard him swear this much.

“Karim,” Desfan said, almost gently. “How else are we going to learn what Fang wants? He sounds desperate. He may have some vital warning for us.”

Karim did not appear swayed.

Desfan sighed. “You know we’re going. Just accept it.”

The bodyguard’s eyes narrowed. “You are the fates-blasted serjan. If you were in my place, what would youadvise?”

“I would remind you of the facts—that as serjan, it’s your duty to protect your people.” Desfan lifted a hand, stalling Karim’s response. “And I would also advise you to be careful—which I will be.” The corner of his mouth lifted. “That’s why I’m taking you.”

Once again, Karim swore.

Chapter 37


Karimrefusedtostepinto the alley before Fang arrived, so they waited inside an empty candle shop just down the street. Men were on the roofs of all the surrounding buildings, as well as waiting near the alley. They’d been in place for hours, at Karim’s insistence, just in case Fang tried to come early and set his own trap.

Karim still wasn’t thrilled they were here, though Desfan had stopped trying to convince him to see the benefits. After all, itwasKarim’s job to focus on the risks.