Page 110 of Royal Rebel

Clare nodded once and rose.

James did as well, and when he bowed, he stumbled and rocked into her.

She instinctively grasped his upper arms, barely feeling the glide of the letter leaving her pocket.

In the next instant, Bennick was there. He grasped James’s shoulder, bracing the man to keep him away from Clare. He stood so close to her, the heat of his body warmed her.

“Apologies, Princess,” James said, once again using a strained accent for his stilted Devendran words. “I am an old man, unsteady on my feet.”

“It’s no trouble,” Clare said at once. “Bennick, please let him go.”

Venn was now on Bennick’s other side, eyeing James with a slight frown.

Bennick’s fingers uncurled slowly, but he released his hold.

James tipped his head and ambled away, melting effortlessly into the chaotic room.

“Are you all right?” Venn asked her.

“Yes,” Clare said at once. “He was harmless.”

Bennick touched her elbow. It was a simple gesture, one hidden from the rest of the room by his body, but awareness coursed through her whole body at the contact. “What did you talk about?” he asked. “I couldn’t hear a thing.”

“He wanted to tell me about his family,” Clare lied. “His daughter works in the kitchens here.”

Bennick’s jaw was tight, but there was no distrust in his gaze, only mild irritation. “I don’t like how crowded this place is.”

“I know.” She touched his arm this time, and his tensed muscles relaxed slightly beneath her fingertips.

Venn cleared his throat, but he was smiling as he said, “If you two need a moment, I can make myself scarce.”

Clare’s cheeks warmed.

Bennick rolled his eyes. “Stay where you are, Venn. We have a job to do.”

Venn’s grin only widened. “It’s just nice to be able to tease you openly about this. Or, you know, carefully amongst ourselves—you can’t have everyone knowing, of course. Especially not when you’re in public like this. A princess in love with her bodyguard? The scandal.”

“Are you done?” Bennick asked, one eyebrow cocked.

“Not even close. The moment you finally admitted to me that you loved her, we had to go our separate ways. And times were dire, so there wasn’t sufficient time to needle you. Now, though—”

“Also not an appropriate time,” Bennick cut in, looking pointedly toward the rest of the room.

Venn waved an errant hand. “No one can hear us.”

“A little caution wouldn’t go amiss,” Clare interjected. “Especially considering the factno oneoutside our small circle can know, or Bennick and I would both face the king’s retribution.”

“True. But he’s all the way in Iden—who’s going to tell him?”

Bennick muttered something under his breath.

Desfan sidled up to them. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

“Not at all,” Clare said at once. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yes, but I have an errand to run with Karim, so I’ll leave you the use of the carriage.”

“Thank you.” She was curious about where he was going with Karim, but didn’t pry.