Page 108 of Royal Rebel

She held Desfan’s hand a little more securely as they followed the woman inside and began their tour. They met many of the children who lived at the orphanage, as well as the staff who cared for them. Clare completely adopted Serene’s small, pleasant smile, and she didn’t let it waver—even when she saw a little boy who looked to be Mark’s age, and her heart fractured.

Their tour ended in the dining area. Long tables and benches spanned the length of the room, and many were filled with children who ate or played games. The room was overcrowded with visitors eager to receive a tour, and conversation hummed throughout the room.

Desfan had released her hand as he was pulled into a conversation with some of the nobles who were patrons of the orphanage, and Clare stood nearby, unsure of where she was needed next.

“Princess? Might I trouble you for a moment?”

She turned to see a man who was slightly bent and wearing basic Mortisian garb. Not a noble, but probably someone who worked in the orphanage. He spoke in halting Devendran, and he had a long beard that obscured the lower half of his face. When his eyes lifted, Clare jolted with recognition.


Conscious of Bennick and Venn hovering behind her—and beyond grateful neither of her bodyguards had ever seen James before, so they had no chance of recognizing him—she gave the rebel a nod. “Of course.”

“Do you mind if we sit? I’m afraid my back isn’t what it used to be.”

“Of course,” she repeated. She allowed him to lead them through the crowded room. Though Bennick and Venn followed, the level of noise in the room was such that James’s low words reached only her ears.

“We won’t have long,” he whispered. “Tell me the most important things first.”

She ducked her head a little closer to him—as if she were trying to catch an old man’s wavering voice. “Serene left for Zennor.”

He shot her a look. “Fates, I didn’t realize . . . Clare.” Relief crossed his features, and she was surprised by the sincerity of his tone as he whispered, “I’m so glad you’re safe.”

“Thank you.” She glanced over her shoulder.

Venn was scanning the room as they sidled through the crowded walkway, but Bennick was watching her intently. The skin around his eyes tightened; he couldn’t hear her—or James—and he didn’t like it.

She sent him a small smile, hoping that would put him at ease.

His eyebrows only drew more tightly together.

She focused back on James. “Serene entrusted me with a letter for you. It’s in my pocket.”

“I’ll retrieve it in a moment,” James said. “If I were to stumble into you just now, I think your guards would tackle me.”

“They’re overly protective.”

“Unfortunately, they’re very justified.” James sighed. “Why has Serene run off to Zennor? She’s supposed to be preparing to marry Desfan.”

“She has her reasons. I assume she’ll explain in her letter.”

James made a low sound in his throat. “She does like to improvise. But it can be inconvenient for the rest of us.”

They edged around a group of children playing a game Clare didn’t recognize, using dice and some small, colored glass balls that they rolled between them.

James’s voice was even quieter than before. “Bridget’s note only told me we needed to meet. Is there anything else you need to report?”

“I’m one of you now,” she shared.

James’s eyes lit up. “Welcome to the rebellion.” He gestured to a couple of chairs set against the wall. Naturally, they were near the playing children—who were boisterous and growing more so—and also near a group of women who talked loudly in order to be heard.

A perfect place in plain sight to meet and discuss traitorous things.

They sat, and since Bennick and Venn couldn’t stand right behind her—and the children played in front of them—they had to step to the side.

The lines in Bennick’s face grew deeper, but he didn’t intervene—yet.

Clare angled toward James. “Do you have anything to report?” she asked softly. “Serene gave me the names of some contacts in Zennor who can be trusted with messages.”