Page 93 of Royal Rebel

“Jekem won’t get another chance to hurt you,” Desfan said tightly. He looked to Kaz. “I want a full description of him distributed to the palace guards and the city guard. We’ll find him. In the meantime, I need to know that her other guards can be trusted.”

Kaz’s expression was strained. “I trusted Jekem, so my opinion cannot be relied upon.”

“Kaz has my full trust,” Imara said at once. “So do all the others.”

Desfan didn’t look satisfied.

To be fair, Bennick wasn’t, either. He looked to Kaz. “You and I will interview each of them tomorrow. And I would recommend you use the serjan’s offer of additional guards to organize rotations so your men are never alone with her.”

“This is insane.” Imara scrubbed a hand over her forehead. “Jekem has served my family for years. I can’t believe this is happening.”

Clare squeezed her shoulder. “You can stay with me tonight—or however long you’d like.”

“Thank you.” Imara’s gaze swept the room. “All of you.”

“You need to inform your father about what happened,” Kaz said. “The king must be warned. So does Skyer, in case he’s in danger as well.”

“I’ll write a message first thing in the morning,” Imara assured him.

“And I’ll prepare a messenger to take it with all speed,” Desfan said. “I’ll include my own letter, assuring your father that you’ll be safe here until this threat is handled.”

Imara frowned. “What do you mean?”

The skin around his eyes tightened. “You’re not going back to Zennor. Not while you’re a target.”

She tugged her hand from his. “I can’t just hide here.”

“Why not?”

She threw her hands up, exasperation pinching her tone. “These cowards don’t want me in Zennor, so that’s exactly where I should be!”

Desfan’s mouth opened, but Clare broke in. “Perhaps this can be discussed later. If it becomes relevant at all.” She looked to the physician. “She’ll be unable to travel for a while, won’t she?”

The man tipped his head. “Yes, Princess Serene. Weeks yet, I imagine.”

Bennick caught Desfan blink once, and glance at Clare. The serjan wasn’t used to having Serene’s decoy in place, which meant he was more likely to make a mistake and reveal the secret.

No one else seemed to catch this moment, at least.

Imara leveled a look at Desfan. “Satisfied?” she asked.

“For now.” He pushed to his feet, his attention going to Kaz. “Karim will speak with you in the morning about permanent additional guards, but tonight I want you to utilize the ones in the hall. I’ll also get that window repaired first thing in the morning. Let me know if there’s anything else you need.”

“Thank you, Serjan.”

Desfan turned to Imara. “Are we friends enough at the moment that you’ll allow me to carry you down the hall?”

Imara glanced at Kaz, noting his bleeding arm. Then she looked at Bennick and Karim.

Desfan sighed. “Your father is going to want my head, seeing as you’ve nearly died twice while in my care. Please, let me do this so I have something good to tell him.”

Imara echoed his sigh, but she relented. “Fine.”

“Thank you.” Desfan bent and scooped her up, infinitely careful with her wounded knee. Once Imara was gathered securely in his arms, with her elbow wound loosely behind his neck, Desfan strode for the door.

Karim followed at once. Kaz also tried to go, but the physician stopped him. “I really must tend to your wound, sir.”

Bennick nodded to the tense bodyguard. “I’ve got her.”