Page 74 of Royal Rebel

“Fine. The swelling is down.” She shifted against him, her body pressing closer—seeking warmth, he realized. “Without horses, do we even have a chance of reaching Porynth before theSeafiresails?”

“We’ll reach some small villages soon. We’ll get horses and other supplies there.”

“Maybe there will be a physician we can visit.”

He winced. “We can’t afford to leave a trail.”

“If you still have a fever, you’re seeing a physician.” Her tone was so final he didn’t bother to argue.

And maybe it was the olcain powder in his blood, or the strange numbness in his head, but he found himself saying, “Peter told me about you and Tyrell.”

She stiffened. When she pulled back enough to look at him, her expression was guarded. “What did he tell you?”

“He said you two were inseparable. That he gave you gifts. That you slept in his bed.” He bit his tongue to stop the spill of words, but it was too late. His hurt and desperation were clear, even to him.

Color spread over Mia’s cheeks, but her voice was firm. “Tyrell was a friend when I desperately needed one, and Peter only ever tried to ruin that.”

“Like when he showed you the letter you wrote me? The one Tyrell promised you he’d send?”

Seeing her face fall, he instantly regretted starting this conversation.

“Tyrell isn’t the person you think he is,” Mia said. “He’s had to bury everything good inside him so your parents couldn’t hurt him.”

Grayson’s voice was a bare whisper. “Do you love him?”

“I do,” Mia whispered, and his gut dropped. “But I don’t love him in the same way I love you.” She touched his chin, forcing his gaze to meet hers. “Grayson, I’ve loved you since I was a little girl. You’re my best friend. You’re the one thing in my life I’ve always been able to trust in. My light in darkness. That will never change.” She took a breath. “I care about Tyrell. He’s my friend. I’m sorry if that hurts you, but I can’t change how I feel.” She lifted his hand and brushed a soft kiss against his knuckles. “I know he’s hurt you, and I know you’ve hurt him. But you were both raised by monsters. You both did what you had to do to survive.”

And Tyrell didn’t have you.Grayson didn’t speak the words, but they stuck in his mind. Hadn’t he often wondered what he would have become without Mia in his life? He could have easily become as ruthless and cruel as Tyrell.

“Tyrell said he loved me,” she said, and even though Grayson had known of Tyrell’s feelings for her, it still caused an ache in his chest. Mia seemed to sense that; her palm pressed more firmly against his heart. “I don’t love him in return—not like that—and I told him that. He knows where I stand, and I need you to know, too. If there’s ever a choice between you and Tyrell, I willalwayschoose you. I don’t want you to ever doubt that.”

He could see the two necklaces she wore; the pebble he’d given her—the pebble that had brought them together—and the black queen from a Strategem set. He knew without asking who had given it to her.

“I love you,” he told her.

She squeezed his hand, and his chest heated as she carefully set her lips against his mouth. “I love you, too.”

Curled against him, it wasn’t long before she fell asleep.

Grayson knew he should stay awake and keep watch, but he was exhausted, and Mia’s warmth and comforting scent surrounded him. For the moment at least, she was his to hold. So he rested his unmarred cheek against the top of her head, and that was the last thing he knew.

Chapter 17


“Serjan,I... don’t know what to say,” Tamar Nadir stammered.

“Say yes,” Desfan urged.

They sat in his father’s office—hisoffice, now. He’d probably need to redecorate for the space to actually feel like his. So much was changing; Yahri had insisted it would be disrespectful of tradition if he didn’t take the serjan’s quarters, so servants were currently moving his things into his father’s suite. They’d packed away everything that had once belonged to his parents, setting it aside for him to go through later. He rather dreaded the idea—until he realized it was something he could do with Meerah, once she was home.

The thought gave him strength—he wasn’t alone. And it wasn’t the only positive thing for him to focus on, either.

Yesterday, he’d helped Serene discreetly make all the necessary arrangements needed to travel on thePhoenix. Seveh was sailing the southern patrol route anyway, so the ship would not attract any undue attention by taking Serene to Zennor. The princess and her two guards had slipped aboard thePhoenixalong with other members of the crew earlier this morning. Only the most trusted guards and servants knew she’d left Duvan at all.

She and Desfan had discussed many reasons for why she needed to journey to Zennor, but none of them resonated as strongly inside him than the need to break off Imara’s betrothal. He knew next to nothing about Eilan Skyer, but if Serene was worried . . . Well, that was enough to make him feel like his inherent resentment toward the man was completely warranted.

If Serene succeeded in all her goals, Imara would be free of her betrothal, and Desfan and Serene wouldn’t have to marry. Desfan would be able to openly court Imara—something he hadn’t dared to consider until Serene had put the possibility in his head two days ago. Now, he struggled to think of little else. Which was unfortunate, because many other matters needed his attention.