Page 52 of Royal Rebel

Carter shifted, his voice a little edged as he said, “Mother secured your weapons after Father had you thrown in prison. She asked me to return them to you.”

Ah.The Poison Queen’s gift. Grayson had almost forgotten.

“They’re in my room,” Carter continued. “Follow me.” He turned on his heel and marched to the door.

Grayson trailed after him. And though he didn’t expect an attack, he let his hand rest on one of his belted daggers.

Chapter 11


MiastoodbackasFletcher knelt to retrieve the supplies she’d hidden under Tyrell’s bed. Her hand truly felt much better this morning, but Fletcher had insisted. While he pulled things out, Mia scanned Tyrell’s room.

She hadn’t stepped foot in here since the night of the king’s birthday, when she’d fought with Tyrell. Rena had come back to retrieve her things, but everything else looked the same. There was a chair by the window—Tyrell had placed it there so she could see outside while she healed after being stabbed. A book was lying on the chair, and though she couldn’t see the spine, she knew it wasSoren’s High Seas Adventure—a book she’d handed Tyrell when he’d taken her to visit the castle library. And in the far corner on a low table sat Tyrell’s hand-carved Stratagem set. The black queen was missing, because he’d given it to her.

Emotion tightened her throat and she glanced away—only for her eyes to snare on a red ribbon lying on Tyrell’s bedside table.

She recognized it at once. It was the ribbon he’d tied around the small box that had held the queen piece he’d given her. He’d pocketed the ribbon that night, she vaguely recalled.

He’d kept it.

She didn’t know why, but that made her heart clench. She reached for it, letting her fingertips glide over the satin ribbon. She couldn’t quite release it, even when Fletcher had dragged out the two bags from under the bed and stood.

Outside the bedroom, the main suite door opened with a loud bang.

Mia twisted toward the open bedroom door, the silk ribbon clutched in her hand as Tyrell stalked in.

His face glistened with sweat and his dark blue shirt clung to every ripple of muscle on his torso. The long sleeves were shoved up his forearms, and his dark hair was ruffled—by wind, training, or his own fingers, Mia wasn’t sure.

He looked caught in a rage, but he halted abruptly when he spotted Mia and Fletcher. His eyes cut between them, then he took in the bags at their feet. Surprise flashed across his features. “You’re coming back?”

The hope in his voice made her wince. “No. I just needed to get the last of my things.”

Hurt slashed across his face—then his expression closed off. His chest lifted on a heavy breath, and some of his earlier tension returned as he met her gaze. “Where is Grayson?”

Mia’s throat was horribly dry, but her palms were sweaty. “He went to see Devon. His wound was infected.”

Tyrell shifted back a step and pushed a hand through his dark hair. The nervous motion made him seem younger than he was. Vulnerable. “Can I please talk with you?” he asked softly. “Alone?”

Mia bit the inside of her cheek. They were leaving tonight—this might be the last time she ever saw Tyrell. Her hold on the ribbon tightened, and she glanced at Fletcher. “Will you wait outside for me?”

He didn’t seem particularly happy about it, but he lifted both bags and moved for the door. As he slid through it, he cast a quick look at Tyrell.

The prince ignored him. His attention was solely on Mia.

The main suite door clicked shut a moment later. Silence drew around them as they stared at each other.

Finally, Mia whispered, “You kept the ribbon.”

Tyrell’s eyes changed. She wasn’t sure how; they were still hard, but maybe they were a little softer as he stepped through the doorway, fully entering the bedroom.

Her heartbeat quickened at his approach, but she didn’t move.

He stopped near the corner of the bed, keeping a few paces between them. “Yes, I kept it.” His tone said more than those simple words conveyed.

She moved slowly, setting the ribbon back on his bedside table. Her voice was heavy as she said, “I kept the queen.”

There was a long pause. “I didn’t know if you would,” he whispered.