Page 204 of Royal Rebel

Another shout—then eerie silence.

All Mia could hear was the creaking of the nearby ships, and the lapping of the waves against the stone walls of the harbor.

With the lamp glowing brightly beside the door, it was hard to see anything in the thick shadows. Tyrell was tense beside her. “Simmons?” he snapped. “Farr?”

No response.

The small hairs on Mia’s arms rose.

Just outside the spill of light from the lamp, the darkness stirred. Mist parted as a form took shape, a single figure clothed in black, striding forward.

Grayson’s hood was thrown back, his dark hair a tangled mess. His expression was carefully neutral, though his gray eyes burned.

Tyrell grabbed Mia’s arm and drew a long knife from his belt.

“Let her go,” Grayson said. “Now.”

Tyrell’s hold cinched, painfully tight.

Then a new voice said, “I’d do what he says. Spewer’s looking quite serious.”

Chapter 48


Grayson’sattentionremainedfixedon his brother and the knife he’d drawn. Tyrell had one hand banded around Mia’s wrist, keeping her close to his side. Her tension was obvious, but she seemed unharmed, thank the fates.

From his periphery, Grayson saw Zadir and his tightening ring of pirates step into the light.

Tyrell’s eyes bounced around them, counting them. He was vastly outnumbered.

When Grayson had reached the harbor and seen the increased guard, fear for Mia had spiked. Then he’d spotted Tyrell outside the harbor master’s office, and he’d known.

His brother had Mia.

Grayson had wanted to rescue her immediately, but Tyrell would have laid a trap. He needed reinforcements. Luckily, he’d found theSeafire.

Captain Zadir edged a little closer to Grayson, his crew surrounding Tyrell easily. The harsh gleam in Zadir’s eye hadn’t lessened since Grayson had told him about Mia’s capture, but now there was an edge of satisfaction. “The seraijah is ours,” the pirate said to Tyrell, his tone deceptively calm.

Tyrell didn’t react. He still gripped Mia’s arm, and that knife—while not held against her—remained far too close.

Grayson’s insides burned. He needed Tyrell to let go of Mia.Now.

Zadir was on his right, Swallow on his left. Grayson recognized the other pirates as well, including his somewhat enemies Gale and Weeper. Everyone was focused on Tyrell and Mia, waiting for the prince to release her.

Tyrell’s glare sharpened on Grayson. “You can’t take her.”

“Neither can you.” His words were carefully even. “You’re surrounded, Tyrell. Surrender.”

“Why? So you can kill me, like you killed Carter?”

Grayson hid his flinch, but he felt the blade in his brother’s words.

Mia winced, and he didn’t know if it was because of what Tyrell had said, or his tight hold.

Grayson’s eyes narrowed. “Release her.”

“No.” His hold on the knife flexed. “You may have me outnumbered, but I hold the advantage. As long as I have Mia, none of you will make a move, and it’s only a matter of time before a patrol passes by.”