Page 199 of Royal Rebel

If she could cut through here and make it to one of the main thoroughfares, she could get lost in the sea of people—

A hand snared her wrist, jerking her body around to slam against a solid chest.

Both of them staggered from the impact, and Mia’s breath flew out of her lungs on a painful gasp. Strong arms locked around her middle, keeping her chest pressed against his.

“Easy,” Tyrell grunted. “I’ve got you.”

Panic made her dizzy. She struggled against his hold, but he only clamped her more tightly.

“You’re safe now,” Tyrell said, grunting a little when she shoved against him.

“Let me go,” she gasped.

Tyrell’s arms didn’t budge. “Where is he?” he asked, his voice rougher than before. “Did you get away from him?”

“Get away from—?” Mia cut herself off when she realized what he was saying. Tyrell thought she’d been in danger with Grayson. That she’d runawayfrom Grayson. “I’m fine,” she said, her breaths short and tight. “Let me go.”

He loosened his hold, but kept a firm grip on her wrist. It allowed her to pull back enough to actually see him, though in the dark she couldn’t see much. His eyes were hooded, and his expression was hard as stone.

Her lungs squeezed harshly, her breaths ragged.

“You’re having a panic,” Tyrell said, his voice threaded with concern. “Are the salts in your pack?”

She wheezed out a thin, shallow breath. “You have to let me go. You can’t take me back.”

“Mia, you’re not thinking clearly. Let me help you.”

She yanked her arm, but his fingers held firm. The movement jostled her necklaces, though, and Tyrell’s eyes dipped.

Heat flooded his gaze, and she knew he’d seen the queen he’d given her.

“Please,” she cracked out. “Let me go.”

His gaze lifted to meet her stare, and her stomach sank at the emotion she saw there. His fingers tightened against her skin. “Never.”

Chapter 46


Desfanstoodinthecorner of Fang’s dimly-lit warehouse. Surrounded by a combination of Fang’s men and disguised palace guards, his muscles twitched with restlessness. He wanted Sahvi to arrive so this infernal waiting could end.

Tension thinned the air, and no one spoke above hushed whispers. Fang stood nearby; Karim had ordered the drug master to remain close to them.

Desfan fingered his belted knives and scanned the large room. The ceiling stretched loftily, and the many shelves in the room sagged with Fang’s wares—both legitimate and illegitimate. Barrels as large as a man, wooden crates of every size, and heavy-looking burlap sacks were stacked all over the floor.

In all, there were twenty men in the room. Fang had urged them not to bring any more, or else Sahvi might become suspicious.

Once Sahvi arrived, the guards outside could move in and surround the warehouse. Then, when Liam got close to Sahvi, they could spring their trap without risk of Sahvi’s men fighting back.

Liam sat on the edge of a crate on Desfan’s left. Karim had removed his chains only moments ago, and the prince was rubbing his wrists as he eyed the room.

Karim stood close to the Kaelin prince, along with another guard whose sole job was to watch Liam.

“You made the right decision,” the prince said suddenly. “In bringing me, I mean.”

“Your words put me at ease,” Desfan said dryly.

Liam huffed once. “Believe me or not, it doesn’t matter. Just know I will do anything to ruin Skyer.”