I really was not looking for another black eye. No one took a woman seriously when she looked like she’d been in a barroom brawl.

Ender looked like he wanted to agree with me but shrugged instead. “I’m just saying it might be something to think about because evidently those guys wanted to keep talking to you. A point which you seem to be conveniently ignoring.”


“You’re insane. I’m not ignoring it—it just wasn’t the most important part of the conversation. I don’t want anyone to think the guys were rude or did anything wrong.” There was clearly some kind of mix-up about what they’d wanted. “Besides, this is just some fucked-up game of telephone, so we really have no idea what they wanted.”

I should’ve paid more attention to his phone call and less to the math I’d been fixing, but I was going to have fun throwing around theI told you sos. “Did you tell her that they were nice?”

The way he rolled his eyes said he was thinking that I should’ve been paying more attention again.

“Yes, I told her that from everything I’d seen and what you’d said, they were respectful and you’d enjoyed spending time with them.” His glare said I was missing something important but I wasn’t sure what.

This felt like we were back in college and he was trying to explain psychology all over again.

“That’s good.” I had to resist the urge to swing my feet. My little side always popped up when Ender got mad at me. It was how he’d seen that part of me to begin with. “Are you going to get lunch before you go back to work?”

His face got stormier.

What had I done?

“Trouble.” He took a deep breath and gave me the same look that he did when he had to explain the plot of the Marvel movies over and over. None of it was logical no matter what ridiculousness Ender kept trying to justify. “They wanted to see you again. The two Doms wanted to take you on a date at the very least and see if you were compatible outside of the playtime you had.”

“What’s wrong with them?” Ignoring Ender’s groan, I pushed my food away, done in more ways than one. “Are they serial killers? Cult members? Just plain weird like that couple I had drinks with? There was something wrong with those two.”

I wasn’t really that into women—they were just kind of yummy sometimes—so maybe it’d been me, but her husband had seemed weirdly into her weight and no one needed a steamer trunk full of sex toys. They hadn’t ended up making the national news yet for having bodies buried in their backyard but at the very least they weren’t my type of interesting.

Ender seemed to be ignoring my very practical questions and glared at me. “Stop that. They had a background check run on them and you already said they were nice. When you were happy to leave, I thought that meant you hadn’t really clicked with them.”

I wasn’t sure what to say, so I shrugged.

He got all dramatic again and huffed, giving me his bestDaddy but not a real Daddyglare. “Trouble. You can’t run away from actually nice guys who want to date you unless you have a more logical reason than they might be nice serial killers. You said you wanted to meet someone and find a Daddy. Have you changed your mind?”

“Well, to be factual, I think I said I wanted to meet a Daddy and find someone to date. They weren’t necessarily the same person.” I could find nice regular guys to date. I’d just struggled with finding anyone not regular.

And regularreallydidn’t understand being little.

“Sometimes I want to go out to dinner and you hate sushi.” I shrugged as his glare got even more dramatic. “That requires a date.”

Going out by myself was only fun when I had a good book, and sometimes I just couldn’t find anythingdate myselfworthy.

“You’ve lost your mind.” For some reason it looked like he’d just realized that. I was proud of myself for not asking him where he’d been the last few years. “I don’t know why I’m even trying to have a rational discussion with you.”

Me neither, honestly.

Before I could figure out a way to ask him if he wanted to go get ice cream with me before we headed back to work without reminding him that I’d eaten some of his ice cream, he kept going.

He was clearly stuck on this topic and couldn’t move past it… like those stupid comic book movies. “Do you have a reason not to at least go to dinner with the Doms you met the other night that doesn’t involve accusations of serial killer behavior or overly generalized assumptions?”

He asked the most ridiculous questions sometimes.

“No. But I have several additional very good generalized assumptions and a few good hypotheses if you need more.” It wasn’t hard. Two men who had a healthy relationship and were mentally stable wouldn’t have been attracted to me to begin with.

I had enough data to back that up.

Ender groaned, scrubbing his hands over his face before going back to crossing his arms over his chest. “That’s it. I’m going to call her back and arrange a date for you with Happy Daddy and the Grumpy Dom.”

The fact that he’d managed to say that with a straight face made me want to giggle and almost had me forgetting what he’d actually said.