Gaylen was still glaring but I could see his mind starting to whirl. I knew he’d found some kind of loophole when he finally grinned. The wicked gleam in his eyes had Tabitha snickering again and that just egged him on even more. “Since Tabitha was so helpful, I think she should get to pick who helps her get cleaned up.”


She was trying to take the whole thing seriously and not laugh but she couldn’t open her mouth without giggling, so she’d be no help. As her gaze darted back and forth between us, Gaylen stepped closer.

“Would you like help, kitten?” He reached up and slowly stroked a finger down her nose. “I’d be very through, sweet girl.”

Just the simple touch had a shiver racing through her and I knew he’d win unless I shifted the goalpost.

Moving behind her, I leaned down and kissed her neck, one of the only clean spots left on her. Keeping Gaylen’s gaze, I could see the flash of heat and barely suppressed laughter that wanted to escape. He knew what I was going to do.

“I think our girl needs a lot of help. She’s very dirty.” Pressing her between us, I could tell I wasn’t the only one who could feel her shiver and hear the soft moan that escaped because I could see the desire flash in Gaylen’s eyes every time she reacted.

He made a thinking sound before nodding and kissing just the tip of her nose… another clean spot somehow. “Four hands would definitely be more thorough than two.”

Tabitha’s naughty laughter said she agreed. “Thank you both for being very thorough. I hate to be the practical one here, because that’s just insane really, but will all three of us fit in the shower?”

Probably not.

“If we stand very still?” My helpful response had Tabitha giggling again but I wasn’t going to give up. “We’ll figure it out. We’ll just be very careful.”

As long as there weren’t too many wandering hands, it might be safe, right?

The chances of someone else getting a concussion in the shower were slim to none.

Gaylen was being just as stubborn because he nodded and took her hands without even acknowledging how right I was. “Come on, kitten. You’re a very dirty girl.”

One who fell for that line every time he said it.

“I’m sorry, Master.” She pouted sweetly as she followed his lead toward the stairs. “Will you help me remember to be a good girl?”

That had me shaking my finger at the two of them before Gaylen’s willpower could start to falter. “No spankings in the shower. That’s dangerous.”

He’d had all the willpower in the world until she’d been gone for a week and popped up with a pout and a bottom that hadn’t been spanked in days. Then all it had taken was wide eyes to have her being bent over every surface imaginable in nearly every room in the house.

Kitchen tables were not for spankings and neither was the shower.

They both huffed as they gave me side glances that said they didn’t appreciate logic being added to the mix. “Don’t give me that look.”

Shooing both of them toward the stairs, somehow I became the grown-up as we headed up to the bathroom. “This is why we need to sit down and figure out the renovations we need to make. That bathroom isn’t big enough for two adults to get ready in the morning, much less three. It’s bad enough once in a while but we need to think about the long-term issues.”

The master bathroom was really the only great tragedy in the entire house. Somehow during all the work that’d taken place in the house over the years, the bathroom had been completely ignored. We’d done the bare minimum after we’d moved in, removing the fucking carpet from the bathroom and having tile added, but it was time to actually fix the issues. No more Band-Aids.

Gaylen groaned because he hated the chaos that came with any renovations, but for some reason Tabitha nearly went ass over teakettle down the stairs. Gaylen and I caught her before she fell, but it was too close for comfort, so we kept a tight hold on her until we got to the bedroom.

“Are you okay?” Leading her over to the bed, I made her sit down while I checked her arms for bruises in case we’d hurt her. “Are you feeling light-headed?”

I thought it was a reasonable question since it’d been a while since she’d eaten but Gaylen snorted as she looked guilty.

Before I could start guessing what she’d snuck that could’ve made her blood sugar go so crazy, he sighed. “She was surprised about the three people getting ready in the morning comment and the way you talked around her staying over here more.”

Around it?

“I haven’t been talkingaroundit. Last week I asked her about storage and if we should put cabinets on the far side of the playroom for anything she needed to keep down there.” She wasn’t really a pack rat by nature, but I knew she’d have things like Christmas decorations that would need to go somewhere when she moved in. “I’m just not rushing her.”


For some reason Gaylen sighed again as Tabitha cocked her head like I was suddenly a very interesting zoo animal.