Doms shouldn’t go around spanking sexy women they’d just met, no matter what some people in the dirty book industry might say.

“Most of our conversation at the restaurant was random and nothing that would help me safely craft a scene.” I was not going to fuck things up even worse by getting our first scene all wrong. “Once that was off the table, the night ended very quickly.”

Now we were getting to the part that made me uncomfortable, but I didn’t back down. If I couldn’t ask Tabitha, Ender would have to do.

“Does she only want a friends with benefits kind of situation? When she wasn’t little and she couldn’t get a spanking, she checked out.” Because we weren’t looking for casual. “I thought we made it clear that wasn’t what we were looking for, but now I don’t know.”

It sounded stupid to even think, but this felt a bit like if she couldn’t get off then we weren’t worth being around. I wasn’t sure that felt right but I couldn’t help the idea sneaking back into my head. It wouldn’t be the first time we met a woman who wanted to try out two guys just for fun.

Ender’s sigh didn’t make me feel any better about what he was going to say. “She’s had the shittiest luck with relationships that I’ve ever seen. When she was fourteen, her already slightly distant parents sent her off to a boarding school for stupidly smart kids.”

I must’ve made some kind of sound because he rushed to calm the fears that had jumped right to the front of my mind. “It was a great learning environment and she was safe there, but they just completely checked out of her life after that. When she was sixteen, they died in a car accident in Europe and she hadn’t even known they were on vacation. Hell, I’m pretty sure she hadn’t seen them in almost a year at that point.”

That was some shitty-ass parenting right there.

“That must’ve fucked her up royally.” But I knew that couldn’t be everything, so I wasn’t surprised when he continued.

“Yeah, she’s had therapy but I think it’s time to go back and chat with someone again.” His frustrated tone seemed to be aimed at himself, not Tabitha, so I let it go. “The whole thing set her up to fall for an older guy when she was in college. He was her first Daddy.”

There was a roughness to his voice that said whatever happened had royally pissed him off. “She loved the age play aspect and learned a lot about herself, but after they’d been together almost three years, he told her that he wanted to date someone younger and gave her a week to move out. Turned out he’d been dating his secretary for six months and had knocked her up after telling Tabitha that he didn’t want kids.”


And then there was the list of bad dates she’d gone on from there.

Okay, the pieces were starting to come together in a picture I really didn’t like. “So she honestly has no concept of a healthy relationship where people stay.”


“Yep.” Ender’s voice shifted to an overly cheerful one that made me want to reach through the phone and shake him. “Still want to date her?”

“Yes.” I answered without even thinking about the question.

“Why?” His question had me imagining shaking him again.

“You’re an ass. You know that?”

My not-so-polite response made him scoff. “Yep. But my question stands. Why are you willing to do this?”

He was so annoying.

“I have no idea.” Honesty wasn’t always the best policy, but in this case, I didn’t have a better plan. “She fit right with us the first time we met. Hell, Harper was head over heels when they were just playing peekaboo.”

Love at first sight was a stupid concept, but she’d fit with us perfectly the first time she’d plopped down on Harper’s lap.

I just wasn’t sure how to explain it. “Once we got over the initial awkwardness at dinner, it was comfortable. It was nice to hang out with her but there’s a buzz underneath it all that says there’s still more waiting to be explored.”

I wasn’t sure I was explaining myself right, and when he barked out a laugh, I knew it’d gone off the rails at some point.

“I’m not laughing at you. She described you guys as comfortable. She said she feels safe with you and I think you’re both coming at this from very similar angles. That’s it.” His snickers had stopped but I knew he was still smiling.

Rolling my eyes, I tried not to sound like a dick. “Comfortable is a very good word.”

And he was nearly giggling.

Clearly, Tabitha had said something along those lines as well.

Well, at least Ender knew we were compatible?