So we could let Poppy figure out breakfast without her trying to talk him into cake instead of pancakes or whatever fascinating idea had occurred to her.

Taking her hand, I led her away from the temptation of the kitchen and back toward the guest room I was slowly turning into her nursery. “I’ve got a few things to show you.”

She gave a tiny hop as she nodded and tugged on my hand. “Presents.”

“That’s right.” And she saw the first one right as she walked through the door.

“Oh, Daddy. Yellow.” The awe in her voice made me smile but it was the way she let go of my hand and hurried around the room like a little whirlwind that made me chuckle. “Big present, Daddy.”

Gaylen had grumbled all week but we hadn’t changed as much as it seemed at first glance.

“Yes, you now have yellow walls and we’re going to get this room all perfect for a pretty girl’s clothes and everything she needs to get ready for the day.” I really wanted her to pick out her toys and to have fun making this room and the basement into her space in the house, but for the time being, I’d gotten the process started.

Just switching out the queen bed for a twin we’d had upstairs and buying a bedspread with small flowers to go with the yellow color had made a huge difference. With the smaller bed tucked up against the wall and a few new cuddly pillows on it, she now had a wonderful place to take a nap and get her diaper changed until we had a better area for that.

“We’re going to have to figure out what else we need but it’s a start.” She didn’t seem to mind that it was fairly bare. Miss Tabitha just bounced around the room, petting the fuzzy pillows and the brightly colored walls until she got over to the closet. “Hmm, should we look in there?”

That got a giggle from her as she threw open the door, unable to wait. “Oh, Daddy.Dresses.”

Just a few.

Even Gaylen had said they were reasonable and that she needed more clothes over at our house. We wanted her to feel like she had a place over here, not like she was visiting and had to bring her bag every time.

“Yes, for now dresses and things like that for my pretty girl, and we’ll pick out some toys for you this week.” Because next time she came over, we were going to have even more done. Everyone had their special spots in the house and she needed one… or maybe two, as well.

“Toys.” Her greedy smile and the way her eyes lit up made me laugh but she wasn’t distracted from the clothes for long. Petting the fabric like they were the most beautiful dresses she’d ever seen, she sighed. “Pretty.”

Relieved that she liked what I’d picked out, I glanced between her options. “Which dress should we pick?”

They were all fairly simple ones in keeping with the style she already had. They were long and flowy and in a variety of feminine colors with cute little pictures on them. They were more designed for playing and less for fancy tea parties, but she didn’t seem to mind.

“Pink, Daddy. Pink.” Tugging on the dress in question, she aimed pleading eyes at me. “Pink?”

“That’s an easy decision then.” I moved over to the closet and kissed her head before helping her to take down the beautiful dress in question. “You’re going to look so pretty, Poppy isn’t going to be able to tell you no.”

That got a devious giggle as she danced around. “Yes. Yes. Pretty for Poppy.”

Oops. They’d been negotiating something when I’d walked in.

He was going to kill me.

“Very pretty for Poppy and he’s going to want to give you whatever you were trying to scam him into getting.” Kissing her nose as she gave another devious giggle, I jerked my head over toward the bed where her diaper bag was sitting, not that we would need it. “Let’s get you all fixed up for today.”

“Pretty for Poppy. Pretty for Poppy.” The singsong way she spoke as she skipped over to the bed and plopped herself down had me smiling and hoping her good mood stayed just as happy after she saw my next surprise.

“Absolutely.” Kissing her forehead, I set the dress on the bed and turned to the small dresser that was serving as a nightstand. “You know, I was thinking we should paint this so it’s a pretty color to match your new room.”

It was a piece from my childhood that had gotten dinged up over the years and had seen better days, but it was solid wood and throwing it out had just seemed wrong. This felt right, though. Fixing it up so that it could be perfect for her nursery would be a wonderful new life for it.

“Pink?” She was so excited she nearly popped off the bed. “Butterflies? Flowers?”

So we needed pink as the base and then for it to be accented with something else? Gaylen could do that, no problem. “That’s going to be beautiful.”

I was going to wait to tell him what he’d been volunteered for until he was post blow job blissed out, though.

For the time being, it would work to keep all her supplies neat and tidy, and we’d make it pretty later, once I figured out how to get the butterflies on it. As I thought about the options, paint or stickers or decals of some sort, I got slightly distracted and forgot about what I was doing.

Getting out a diaper.