I’d do my best to figure out what he liked so much later when my brain worked but for the time being I whined. Logical words weren’t going to come, so I gave up and let him move my body as he got me ready for Master Gaylen.

“Step forward.” The simple order had me free of the pants, standing there in just the sexy heels I’d put on earlier and the flowy shirt that teased at the edges of my panties. “Good girl.”

I loved the way the simple praise just flowed out of him so sweetly and so earnestly. “Thank you, Daddy.”

That was all I managed to get out as his fingers trailed up my thighs and started easing my shirt higher. “You’re welcome, sweet girl.”

Somehow he managed to make that sound wicked and sexy, sending a shiver through me as he pulled the shirt over my head. “Such soft clothes on such a pretty girl.”

That shouldn’t have been as sexy as it’d come out either.

All I could do was whimper as his fingers caressed down my arms until he had me wrapped in his. The tender kiss he placed on my neck sent tingly pleasure through me that only got more intense as he whispered in my ear. “You’re almost ready.”

Almost seemed to be referring to my bra because he kissed my shoulder right over the strap before easing back just enough to be able to release it. As he slowly pulled the fabric down my arms, he pressed more kisses over my neck and shoulder. “Every little thing touching you was soft and sexy tonight. I bet you’ve made Master Gaylen crazy all night.”

Had I?

He’d flirted and teased but those sexy memories faded to the back of my mind as Daddy’s light touch finally reached my nipples. “So soft and pretty.”

All I could do was whine and suck in a breath as he sent more tingly pleasure flowing through me, the feathery caress shattering my ability to function just as much as I knew Master Gaylen’s rougher one would do later.

“Now, be a good girl and bend over. Show us how pretty you are when you take off those sexy shoes.” Daddy chuckled as I groaned, imagining what that would look like, but we both knew I was a needy attention whore at this point.

As I obeyed, they both let out a low moan, sending a thrill through me and pushing me to fuck with them just as they’d been teasing me. I knew my ability to think wouldn’t last long. Master Gaylen had already shown he could blow my mind faster than I could blink, but for the moment, I had fun, arching my ass out as I slowly released the straps.

I could feel their eyes on me but it wasn’t until Daddy’s hand caressed over my ass that I saw Master Gaylen move closer out of the corner of my eye. “We’re going to have to come back to the heels and tiny little panties at some point. Of course, when she has a pretty red bottom to go with it.”

Just imagining that had my nipples getting tighter and my core getting wetter, but they weren’t done yet.

Daddy gave my ass a faint pat that was just enough to make me hungry for more, but it was his wicked idea that had me fighting back a moan. “Maybe our naughty little kitten would like to get dressed up and make us dinner at some point.”

He remembered.

Daddy’s mind was like a steel trap when it came to remembering everyone’s dirty fantasies.

“Does our little kitten like the idea of being a wicked slave for her Masters or is she a naughty little servant? Hmm, a dirty little old-fashioned housewife?” Master Gaylen’s deviously perfect ideas got a wicked chuckle from Daddy as I finally stepped out of the shoes.

Daddy wrapped his arms around me again as I slowly straightened, and this time he was standing to the side. I had a feeling he was making sure I couldn’t hide either my ass or my desire from Master Gaylen.

Probably both.

Kissing my neck again, he seemed to get a wicked glee from telling Master Gaylen about my fantasy. “Our naughty kitten gets very chatty after a single drink. She eagerly confesses all kinds of naughty things.”

Being a lightweight was hard sometimes.

Master Gaylen finally chuckled. “That was why you were wearing such a devious grin the other night.”

I had a feeling he thought we were both wicked but I got the brunt of his teasing. “I’m going to have to remember that, naughty girl.”

My spanking.

Please let that be about my spanking.

I was scrambling for a question or response that would get him to tell me what he was going to do, but all thoughts got scrambled again when Master Gaylen stepped closer and finally touched me, running his hand over my ass. “We’ll have to see how much help our girl is going to need.”

What did that mean?

Random options flashed through my head and sent heat flooding through me, but fantasies weren’t answers. They just drove me even more insane, which was probably why Master Gaylen kept teasing me with vague threats.