“He’s very picky.” That seemed to be all he had to say on the subject but I knew there was a story behind it. “Turn around, kitten.”

“Yes, Sir.” Obeying so he could release the buttons on the back of my dress, I looked around the room again and let the question just pop out. “It’ll really be my room?”

“We’re debating between this one and the basement.” Gaylen’s matter-of-fact response said he thought it was a logical question or at least not silly. “He wants to get you some bigger toys to play with that wouldn’t fit in here, so they’d need to go down there anyway, but I’m leaning toward a playroom down there and a nursey up here.”

As the dress slipped down my shoulders, I stood there stupidly. Luckily, he didn’t need my brain working quite yet. “Turn around. What do you think?”

Obeying that order had my brain starting to work again, but since I didn’t know what to say, I fell back on just telling him that. “I don’t know. It’s… it’s huge. You’re both just…”

He nodded, understanding showing in his eyes as he kissed my forehead. “One step at a time. For now, your Daddy is going to bug you about paint colors and try to get you to talk me into ridiculous things.”

Grinning, I nodded, knowing he was right and loving the way he knew Daddy so thoroughly and still didn’t mind sharing him with me. “I like it when Daddy’s excited.”

“I’m glad.” He smiled that time, tender as he kissed my head again. “Hands up, kitten.”

I couldn’t help being grateful that he wasn’t weird or second-guessing anything as he pulled my dress over my head. He was just Gaylen, confident and himself. I liked that best about him. Even when he was worried about how it would go between us, he never tried to be anyone else.

“Good girl.” His hand stroked over my head, playing with my hair as he pulled the dress away. “Now, hands at your sides and stand up straight for me.”

“Yes, Sir.” I’d obeyed before I even realized what he’d done or what I’d said.

He was being my Dom.

A shiver raced through me and I was glad for the padding of the built-in bra in the tank top I was wearing. There was no way to hide what he did to me, but at least he couldn’t see how hard my nipples were. They didn’t understand what going slowly meant.

Gaylen’s gaze heated as he turned toward the bed, but it was just enough for me to know he’d been as affected as I’d been. “Very good, kitten.”

The simple praise did crazy things to me and I had to swallow back a needy sound. I wasn’t sure what not rushing meant for tonight but moaning already probably wouldn’t be a great start to not rushing them.

“Thank you, Sir.” It might’ve been a stupid response but it was all I could come up with.

The look in his eyes as he turned around holding the T-shirt I’d picked out earlier said he liked something about it at the very least. The Sir part probably. It made me wonder what he’d do if I called him Master.

“Hands up, kitten. You’re being a very good girl.” The simple order sent another shiver through me and the way his fingers trailed down my arms as he slipped the shirt over my head didn’t help any.

Smoothing it down my sides and letting his hands caress over me finally had the little sounds escaping. As I desperately tried not to squirm and blush like my body was trying its best to do, he gave me another one of his heated looks.

Instead of teasing me, he brought one hand up to cup my face and as his thumb stroked my cheek, he leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. It was over too soon. Logically, I knew I was half-dressed and he wasn’t going to take it any further, especially without Harper there, but it left me aching for more.

His tender words as he pulled away just added fuel to the whirling heat inside me. “Thank you for spending time with us today, kitten.”

I stepped closer and hid my face against his shoulder before I could think about anything. When I was hidden and he had me wrapped in his arms, I whispered into the soft material of his shirt. “Thank you for wanting me to come over.”

His tight hug said he knew how much that meant to me and how much more I wanted to say, but he didn’t mind that the words wouldn’t come out. “Always, kitten.”

For the first time in longer than I could remember, I actually wanted to believe him.

Chapter 10


“Oh!” Tabitha dived for Harper as an explosion went off on the TV. “Daddy.”

Of course, her sweet Daddy took every opportunity to wrap his arms around her and even pulled her into his arms. “Come here, sweetheart. Hide your face.”

It would’ve made more sense to just ask me to turn off the movie but her over-the-top acting made that idea a little silly. It’d almost been believable right up until she’d done thejumping into his armsthing when someone on screen had slammed a book down on a table.

Yep, very scary.