He wanted me to come back?

I managed not to ask the ridiculous question since that was what he’d just implied, but I couldn’t help smiling. “I liked the toys you have, though.”

And I liked that everything had been bought for me.

I was a greedy enough little that I liked being the first to color in the books and that the farm toys were brand new. He’d remembered everything we’d talked about during the week and even though the toys were fun, I loved being special to him even more.

Daddy’s smile was ear to ear as he leaned back against the big chair, confident and wonderful, and opened his arms. “Come here.”


He still wanted to cuddle even if I wasn’t little.

I climbed over the toys as he chuckled and spread his legs wide, then sat between them and curled into his chest. Kissing my head, he hugged me tight, and I felt happy he still wanted me around. “How about this week sometime, we talk about picking out some more new toys for you? We can do it on the phone or in person, but we need to figure out what kind of toys you want to play with and what else we might need for Miss Tabitha.”

Petting his chest, I thought about what he’d said. “Other stuff like binkies and stuffed animals and nap time stuff? You know, if I’m going to be over more?”

He nodded immediately, not seeming like he thought about it at all as he gave my head another kiss. “Yes, nap time things and bottles or more sippy cups, and when you’re ready, stuff for changing you.”

Daddy said it so naturally I almost forgot to be nervous. “Is that… that’s okay with you?”

Ender didn’t do that kind of stuff because that’d just be weird, so it’d been a long time since I’d trusted anyone enough to do that part of my little side. I didn’tneedit. But I liked being taken care of and Daddy Harper seemed like the type of Daddy who’d want to take care of everything.

Most of our conversations and texts over the past week had been teasing and light, but the stuff that he had been more serious about when it came to his Daddy side was all about the caretaking aspects of having a little. He really hadn’t talked much about more intimate things outside of generally mentioning he was okay with it.

I knew I probably didn’t have anything to worry about when he seemed confused. “Is setting up a changing table okay?”

He was so cute.

“The diapers, moron.” Gaylen’s gruff tone from the kitchen had me trying to hide my laughter against Daddy’s shoulder.

I shouldn’t have found it funny, but Gaylen was so ridiculous and Daddy’s eyes had gone so wide. They were so perfect together I still wasn’t sure why I didn’t feel like I was invading their relationship.

“Oh, yes, we should talk about that.” Daddy made a thinking sound and hugged me tight. “I won’t rush you, baby girl.”

“Don’t assume that you’re rushing. Ask her.” Gaylen managed not to add moron to the end of the sentence this time but I could hear it in his voice as he came out of the kitchen.

Daddy could too, based on his dramatic sigh. “I was getting there.”

“Get there faster or she’ll worry.” Gaylen rolled his eyes as Daddy huffed. “Clear communication so there are no misunderstandings.”

I had a feeling that was about the way things had started between us, but I appreciated that he didn’t call me out on it.

Daddy, on the other hand, was very dramatic. “I was being careful with her feelings.”

They were so ridiculously cute… and since they were bickering over me, I didn’t feel left out either.

I wasn’t sure I could feel left out when I wanted to laugh.

I also couldn’t feel embarrassed.

Really, it was just too cute and somehow that overrode the caution I might’ve otherwise had. Unlike everything else, talking about that stuff wasn’t always easy, but they were completely different from anyone else I’d ever met.

That didn’t mean I knew how to join in the conversation.

It was technically about me but really didn’t feel that way, so I just curled into Daddy and let them huff and puff. I wasn’t sure how long it would’ve gone on but my stomach growled again, catching Daddy’s attention.

He looked down at my stomach, ditching his sentence completely. “Oh yes, food. You need dinner.”