“Do you have a phone number?” she asks.
“That’s a good one...”
“Really? You don’t even use phones here?”
“In my house? Not even phones.”
“So how do you talk to people?”
“Write them letters, or just walk into town. It’s a small community.”
“I don’t know how you stand it!”
“Me either. Now stop bothering my chickens, and go back to bed.”
“But that one’s cute!” She points to one in the coop.
I fling the shotgun over my shoulder.
“That one, right there?” I clarify as I kneel and gesture.
“Shame, really. That one’s dinner tomorrow.” I rub my chin.
I laugh. “No.”
“Oh, thank God!”
“I mean...it’s possible. We do eat them.” I tilt my head and examine the selected chicken more closely.
“Haud yer wheesht!”
I laugh again and stand.
“Doyoukill them yourself?” she asks.
“Me? Well, I...”
I don’t know how to answer. I could tell her the truth. I’m a complete Jessie, and I won’t slaughter any of the animals...but then maybe she’ll feel the same way about me as my ma does.
“Seriously, I have to go back inside before my mum gets suspicious,” I answer.
“Okay, okay...”
We start heading in opposite directions. Then I remember something. I should warn her about the hill in front of the road. I’m sure that’s how she got here.
“Be careful walking down that fucking hill.” I turn around and point into the distance. “I must’ve rolled down it a hundred times.”
“I won’t roll down it!”
“See you tomorrow.”
I continue walking to my house, smiling the entire way. When I reach the door, I see the note. It reads: